Category: United States

Trademark applications for crypto, NFTs, and metaverse surge in 2022: Report

Trademark applications for crypto, NFTs, and metaverse surge in 2022: Report

The number of U.S. trademarks filed related to cryptocurrencies, nonfungible tokens, Web3, and the metaverse since January have reportedly passed thos [...]
Basketball star for a crypto launderer? Alexander Vinnik’s lawyers considers prisoner swap: Report

Basketball star for a crypto launderer? Alexander Vinnik’s lawyers considers prisoner swap: Report

The legal team for Alexander Vinnik, a Russian national recently extradited to the United States for his alleged role at defunct crypto exchange BTC-e [...]
Where US regulators should draw the line

Where US regulators should draw the line

Decentralized finance (DeFi), one of the fastest growing ecosystems in the cryptocurrency market, has long been a dilemma for regulators, given the de [...]
The Run-Up: The Stakes of the 2022 Midterm Elections

The Run-Up: The Stakes of the 2022 Midterm Elections

This November, Americans will head to the polls for the first major political test since Jan. 6. [...]
US congressman and crypto skeptic explains why a crypto ban won’t work

US congressman and crypto skeptic explains why a crypto ban won’t work

In a recent interview, United States congressman and a known crypto skeptic Brad Sherman claimed that banning cryptocurrencies is not an option at thi [...]
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