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16 ways blockchain and crypto leaders can better educate prospective users

While crypto and blockchain have their share of enthusiastic pioneers, these industries can’t survive and thrive without attracting new users. Many cite the space’s tech-forward complexity as a barrier, but does it have to be? And are industry leaders adding to the problem by not working to reach prospective users where they are?

The close-knit nature of the blockchain and crypto industries can be both a strength and an impediment, and it may be time for insiders to step outside echo chambers to better understand what prospective new users want to know and how to give them that information. Below, 16 members of Cointelegraph Innovation Circle discuss ways the blockchain and crypto industries can improve outreach to potential new users.

Stay true to transparency and decentralization

We must stay true to the objectives of the blockchain industry: transparency and decentralization. If leaders promote these traits in their discussions about the industry and its products, they put prospective customers in a much better position to understand the industry. Since everything is verifiable on-chain, it is much easier for customers to test what’s said over blindly believing. – Mohak Agarwal, ClayStack

Fight for the advancement of the whole space

We must stay true to Satoshi Nakamoto’s vision and educate on the importance of trustlessness and not depending on financial intermediaries. This space is full of nonsensical tribalism, which does nothing but turn new users away. True leaders should fight tooth and nail for the advancement of the whole space — together, we can make this the 12th sector of the S&P. – Ben Knaus, Rillafi

Push out simple, clear content

Simplicity and clarity are essential. Leaders should push educational content that is simple. Forget complex technical explanations that mean a lot to you but nothing to the broader audience. If the future of Web3 is for regular people, we need to be able to explain what it is in simple language that can be understood by all. – Shiran Herzberg, eToro

Leverage helpful analogies

It’s tough, but one method we’ve found helpful is using analogies that people understand. For example, when talking about DeFi insurance, first talk about how traditional car insurance is done and then explain the similarities to how it works in the crypto world. – Rupert Barksfield, Amulet

Build solutions people can use without being taught 

Education is often misplaced — I find so many people trying to teach people how crypto works. Very few people understand how the internet works. What made the internet soar? Great software and use cases that just work. Apple didn’t educate people on how to use the iPhone. They created products that worked. Build solutions that people can use, not ones they need to be educated on. – John Wingate, BankSocial

Start with product education and security assurances

We need to focus on product education and security, ideally in that order. With product education, users can begin to understand how blockchain can serve them and alleviate the pain points of traditional finance. Next, prospective users need to feel secure with the technology itself. By focusing on these two factors, we can onboard new users to the blockchain ecosystem, which is arguably its biggest obstacle. – Megan Nyvold, BingX

Leave the drama at the door

There is so much tribalism in crypto that leaders of projects often get wrapped up in pointless social drama that turns off prospective users. Leaders need to leave the drama at the door and realize that we are all collectively building this tech. If blockchain and crypto is a party, let’s make it as inviting and welcoming as possible; no one likes to be at a party with everyone shouting at each other. – Mark Soares, Blokhaus Inc.

Drop echo-chamber language

The language we choose is critical from a technical and cultural point of view. The industry is consumed by its own niche language and anecdotes, and we should always consider that those we are reaching out to are not only probably unfamiliar with Web3-isms, but also have some skepticism. We’re one step closer to mass adoption if we make it easy to understand using non-echo-chamber language. – Sheraz Ahmed, STORM Partners

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Highlight real-world use cases

Focus on real-world use cases that create value and harness the technology to drive new business models. Ignore the hype and speculation — there is nothing in it. Ultimately, Web3 and Web2 have to work together. Web3 won’t rip and replace Web2, nor can Web2 uninvent Web3. Drive use cases, drive innovation and create paradigm shifts in business models. – Nitin Kumar, zblocks

Prepare people for how blockchain will change the world

Keep the big picture in mind, and don’t focus on the little details of the day-to-day….

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