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CEO of Alleged $16M Cryptocurrency Rip-off Declared Bankrupt

Willie Breedt, a South African nationwide accused of stealing as much as $16.Three million from round 2,000 traders by way of his VaultAge Options scheme, has reportedly been compelled out of business by an area courtroom.

In response to a current report from Information24, the sequestration order was initiated on July Three by Simon Dix — one among VaultAge’s largest traders, who entrusted Breedt with 7.5 million South African rand, or $440,000.

VaultAge Options was based in 2018, promising weekly returns on buyer deposits by crypto mining and buying and selling and accepting deposits ranging from $50. The scheme’s traders have allegedly acquired just one% of anticipated good points.

Breedt was hiding in South Africa, not Mozambique

Earlier than going into hiding about two weeks in the past, the VaultAge operator opened a case of intimidation with police in Jeffreys Bay.

A bunch of debt collectors employed by angered traders tracked him down at a visitor home within the Silver Lakes Property in Pretoria, which he booked into utilizing a pretend identify. Earlier stories recommended that VaultAge CEO fled the nation for Mozambique again in December 2019.

Shortly after the sequestration order was granted, South Africa’s Directorate for Precedence Crime Investigation, referred to as “the Hawks,” raided the guesthouse, confiscating a laptop computer and a Ledger Nano crypto hardwallet which might probably comprise a few of the lacking funds. In response to Information24, Breedt has not been arrested. 

Moreover, the South African Reserve Financial institution has reportedly assigned PwC to guide an investigation into VaultAge and all brokers who might need carried out transactions on its behalf.

Breedt’s checking account, which earlier held $3.15 million, was reportedly emptied earlier this month.

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