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Crypto recruiting is a minefield – Cointelegraph Magazine

Hiring in the crypto world can be difficult. Web3 companies are often disorganized and lack HR departments. Developers sometimes want to remain anonymous — even to their potential employers.

Some employees don’t exist at all, while others are secretly juggling three other remote gigs. Then there are those who pretend to be employees but are really just plotting to rug everyone.

The job of a hiring manager is no easy one. This goes doubly so for the Web3 world, where expectations both from employers and employees can be drastically different compared to the Web2 corporate world.

Magazine spoke to Declan Strain, managing partner of Dubai-based talent consultancy BlockDelta, which helps companies in the Web3 industry connect with workers of all levels. After 20 years as a recruiter, he became involved in the blockchain space in 2015 and set up his specialist consultancy in 2017.

“A traditional recruiter won’t be as successful as someone who lives and breathes this space,” he says, referring to his efforts to “be part of the fabric of the metaverse” by attending events and making connections in person.



Fake employees and remote workers you’ve never met are some of the issues in Web3 recruiting.



The ICO craze of 2017 saw projects being organized by small groups of developers who often lived in different countries, perhaps never meeting together. Still clearly in a gray-market industry phase, new hires could not be easily recruited via job boards but were often found online via Twitter or in chat groups on apps like Telegram.

“There was no due diligence, so projects were often hiring the wrong staff,” Strain laments, which can quickly get expensive considering the average blockchain developer earns $12,500 per month according to Dataconomy.

Compared to more established industries, Strain describes many Web3 companies as still being particularly disorganized, without human-resource managers — let alone internal recruitment departments, which come standard for more established technology companies of comparable size. This often stems from the fast pace of the industry, where things simply change so fast that established procedures are not put in place. Job board reports that there are 118% more postings for blockchain jobs compared to last year, with a larger share of these being remote when compared to the software industry generally.





He argues that in the wild west of a new industry that crosses borders seamlessly, it is “important to have a trusted recruiter to do due diligence in order to keep out bad actors.” What exactly does he mean by “bad actors?”


One situation that companies can face when hiring a candidate, according to Strain, is that they will come across a nearly perfect hire who “ticks off all the boxes initially.” But despite initial appearances, they are unable to verifiably back up their previous work with, for example, a strong GitHub profile in the case of a developer.

Once these applicants are hired, it can take “several weeks to find out that the new employee is not what they say they are,” with the project being delayed due to having to restart the hiring process again. Often, the over-inflating candidate is more than happy to deal with the embarrassment of being fired because “a one-month blockchain developer salary can go a long way in certain parts of the world.”

Another common pitfall for Web3 companies, where most work is done remotely, is the hiring of full-time candidates who are “in reality juggling three to four jobs,” which are naturally left undisclosed to the new employer. Others are more honest, explaining that they already have a job but try “to convince them that they can take on a second, simultaneous full-time commitment.” While there may indeed be 168 hours in a week, one is advised to stay away from such candidates.





A more complex version of this issue is when the person being interviewed merely pretends to be a candidate, being, in reality, the business developer for a team of subcontracted developers who work on a number of projects simultaneously, essentially operating as a consultancy while pretending to be a dedicated employee. 

“Say, a Vietnamese ‘employee’ with good English basically fronting as an individual but has a team working behind him,” explains Jason Corbett, managing partner of Silk Legal — a commercial law firm specializing in blockchain with offices in New York, Bangkok and Dubai. Such situations are especially troublesome from the perspective of trust and security “around who is controlling any kind of private…

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