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How to start a career in crypto? A beginner’s guide for 2022

The cryptocurrency industry is arguably one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. With its decentralized finance (DeFi) system and blockchain technology, crypto has become an attractive career path for those interested in technology and finance. As expected of any fast-growing sector, growth has also led to a corresponding increase in demand for talented individuals to build the space.

According to a KoreanAITimes report, cryptocurrency and blockchain jobs grew by a whopping 118% between September 2020 and July 2021.

Even in the correct market downturn, where some firms have paused hiring or cut staff from their rosters, others are actively searching for and onboarding staff.

There are tons of career paths to choose from in the cryptocurrency industry. So whether you are simply looking to become a content creator in cryptocurrency, a trade analyst, or even a blockchain engineer, you are in the right place.

5 steps to kick off a cryptocurrency career

A cryptocurrency career can’t start from nothing. If you’re looking for a job in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the space and take the necessary steps to prepare yourself for your search and ensure that your CV stands out. 

1. Get acquainted with cryptocurrencies

By familiarizing yourself with the various digital currencies that exist in this new field, a person searching for a crypto career already sets themself up nicely for the journey ahead. 

Some of the most popular cryptocurrencies include Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH), Ripple (XRP), Litecoin (LTC) and Tether (USDT). And, if you want to work with them professionally, you must know a thing or two about their structures and how they came about.

2. Learn about cryptography

Cryptography refers to ways of passing information using codes. This is the very basis upon which cryptocurrency was founded. The essence of cryptography is that whenever a piece of information is coded in some way, only the party for whom the information was originally intended can read and process it. 

That is why cryptocurrency uses cryptography to keep them more secure. So, before you take that career dive into the world of cryptocurrency, you might want to take a course in cryptography.

3. Take an honest look at your skills

This is a very vital step that helps to decide which aspect of the crypto industry you could fit into. It is important to note that a lot of the cryptocurrency jobs are STEM jobs, which are jobs relating to science, technology, engineering and math. This would include jobs in programming, software development, computer engineering and electrical engineering. 

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However, this does not mean that there are no career opportunities for those without STEM skills. While those who already have a background in writing may pursue crypto content writer roles, others may explore openings in marketing, business management and communications.

Andrew Vranjes, vice-president of sales and general manager, Asia-Pacific at Blockdaemon told Cointelegraph:

“When I am hiring, I’m not fixated on the applicants’ educational background but more of the practical and transferable skills which they’ve established over the years and if they will be a great culture fit.”

“Fundamentals and people who have functional skills are becoming more important — We are always looking for individuals who are passionate and looking to grow with the blockchain space,” he added

4. Networking

Don’t underestimate networking. Networking and connecting with industry experts can be instrumental in progressing in the industry. You want to see and know professionals who have walked the path you are about to embark on. You also want to learn from top professionals in the role that you’ve chosen. So, if you take networking seriously, it can help your career grow. 

There are some professional networking sites like LinkedIn and other forums, but there is also the traditional method of meeting people at conferences and establishing a professional relationship with them.

5. Update your CV

The last step on the list is to take a deeper look at your CV and make necessary adjustments (additions or subtractions). Then you can start searching for a job in cryptocurrency. 

Jobs in cryptocurrency

Now that you are ready to take on the challenges of the cryptocurrency industry, below is a list of the types of jobs in the industry that you can build your career around. They are subdivided into two groups: technical and non-technical cryptocurrency jobs.

Technical crypto jobs

The technical crypto jobs are those that usually require a more advanced level of expertise. To get jobs in this category, you must have undergone training in coding, programming, machine learning, artificial intelligence or blockchain technology in general. 

Some of the jobs in the technical category include blockchain developer, blockchain engineer, solidity…

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