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What are open-source protocols, and how do they work?

Understanding open-source protocols

Open-source protocols have become a mainstay in the tech world and are gaining traction due to the myriad benefits that they offer over their proprietary counterparts.

The protocols are typically created with the intention of being used by the public, enabling anyone to examine, alter and share their code. The benefits of open-source protocols are multifaceted, ranging from their inherent transparency to their wider accessibility. 

Additionally, they rely on peer evaluations, a cost-effective and inclusive model that distinguishes them from their proprietary counterparts. Prominent examples of open-source software include widely used operating systems such as Linux and Android and the popular Firefox web browser. 

When it comes to open-source cryptographic protocols, the Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cardano and Polkadot networks stand out as noteworthy blockchain protocol exemplars, among others.

Open-source vs. proprietary protocols

Open-source and proprietary protocols represent two distinct approaches to protocol development, each with its own set of principles when it comes to protocol implementation. 

The following is a dissection of their key disparities: 

What’s the development process for open-source protocols?

The development of open-source protocols involves several distinct phases, each integral to a protocol’s evolution. It all starts with the conceptualization phase, where developers lay the foundation that defines the protocol’s standards and purpose.

Usually, the basic concept is based on an existing protocol with some enhancements. The conceptualization stage acts as the bedrock, upon which developers meticulously outline the architecture and features, forming a robust theoretical foundation. In this phase, developers chart out a well-defined roadmap, akin to a strategic plan, guiding the project’s trajectory.

The subsequent step in the development process is usually the prototyping stage. In this stage, developers create a functional model of the protocol that includes the key proposed features. The prototype is usually made accessible to the public as the beta version.

Releasing the beta version subjects the software to real-world scenarios and user interactions, allowing developers to discern its strengths and weaknesses. The stage also allows developers to get feedback from the open-source community regarding potential new features to incorporate before the final protocol is released. Therefore, the stage is aptly referred to as the beta testing or user acceptance testing (UAT) stage.

Continuous feedback and updating ensure that the protocol remains responsive to the evolving needs and expectations of its user base. After relevant protocol upgrades are implemented to resolve many of the known stability and reliability issues, the protocol reaches a level of stability warranting the designation of a “stable release.” The stable release version is usually as reliable as developers can make it.

However, the process does not culminate in stable releases. Open-source projects require ongoing protocol maintenance. The process usually entails releasing bug fixes, such as security patches, and updating the code for enhanced compatibility.

Are open-source protocols copyrighted?

When a developer publishes their code as open-source, they are sharing it with the public, allowing others to use, modify and distribute it. However, the act of making the code public doesn’t translate to unrestricted usage.

Copyright laws apply here, just as they do for proprietary software. The laws automatically safeguard any original creative work, including open-source protocols, granting the software creator exclusive rights to control their use and distribution.

When it comes to open-source protocol licensing, the developer typically attaches a license to it, which acts as a set of guidelines that clearly delineates what’s permissible and what’s off-limits concerning the code.

Open-source licenses often grant users extensive permissions without needing explicit approval from the original author. That said, there are two main types of open-source licenses: permissive and copyleft. 

A permissive license, sometimes also called a BSD-style or Apache-style license, imposes minimal requirements on how the software can be modified or redistributed. However, projects that use this type of license are obliged to append a warranty disclaimer. A classic example of a permissive license is the MIT License. The license allows anyone to use, modify and distribute the code without prior consent.

Projects utilizing MIT-licensed code typically must incorporate the original copyright notice and a disclaimer explicitly stating that the software comes without any warranty….

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