Category: Energy

1 56 57 58 59 60 61 870 / 905 POSTS
6 takeaways from the COP25 local weather talks – POLITICO

6 takeaways from the COP25 local weather talks – POLITICO

The almost 200 governments which can be events to the 2015 Paris local weather deal did not agree on uncompleted sections of t [...]
United Nations local weather talks collapse after Trump shuns Paris pact

United Nations local weather talks collapse after Trump shuns Paris pact

“[The U.S.] should not serving to,” mentioned former French atmosphere minister Laurence Tubiana, who shepherded the 2015 Paris pact, includin [...]
International local weather talks stumble to a conclusion – POLITICO

International local weather talks stumble to a conclusion – POLITICO

COP President Carolina Schmidt | Ozcar del Pozo/AFP by way of Getty Photos [...]
Europe threatens U.S. with carbon tariffs to fight local weather change

Europe threatens U.S. with carbon tariffs to fight local weather change

“It’s not whether or not it’s going to occur — it’s going to occur,” former Secretary of State John Kerry, who helped negotiate the Paris acco [...]
How Bloomberg would sort out local weather change

How Bloomberg would sort out local weather change

Bloomberg would think about local weather dangers and neighborhood impacts in all environmental evaluations and within the Workplace of Admini [...]
Europe’s Inexperienced Deal plan unveiled – POLITICO

Europe’s Inexperienced Deal plan unveiled – POLITICO

European Fee President Ursula von der Leyen went into battle on Wednesday as she launched her Green Deal, a three- [...]
How California and Quebec are attempting to Trump-proof their local weather effort

How California and Quebec are attempting to Trump-proof their local weather effort

In the meantime, the long-restive province of Quebec has labored for years to ascertain itself as a local weather change-fighting chief inside [...]
Von der Leyen’s Inexperienced Deal faces powerful political battles – POLITICO

Von der Leyen’s Inexperienced Deal faces powerful political battles – POLITICO

Simply 11 days into the EU’s prime job, Ursula von der Leyen is laying her playing cards on the desk on her most h [...]
Nations world wide take cues from U.S. local weather insurgents

Nations world wide take cues from U.S. local weather insurgents

"The alliance is represented by all political events, by all methods of considering," Alfaro Ramírez advised POLITICO by means of a translator [...]
How a closed-door assembly exhibits farmers are waking up on local weather change

How a closed-door assembly exhibits farmers are waking up on local weather change

Down in Florida, ag leaders have been shocked at how shortly the dialog on local weather change and agriculture has rotated within the state s [...]
Protests hit Madrid as frustration over local weather failure boils over

Protests hit Madrid as frustration over local weather failure boils over

The march was organized by the activist group Fridays for Future that has sparked scholar walkouts world wide to prod political leaders into [...]
Home Democrats pull key PFAS provisions from protection invoice

Home Democrats pull key PFAS provisions from protection invoice

However a congressional aide stated the transfer may imperil the invoice's probabilities within the Home, the place 68 members stated in Octob [...]
HASC Chairman: Blame Republicans for PFAS deadlock

HASC Chairman: Blame Republicans for PFAS deadlock

Smith stated the convention report reconciling the 2 chambers' protection payments have to be agreed to by all sides by mid-day Friday to keep [...]
How Trump may price U.S. firms a local weather bonanza

How Trump may price U.S. firms a local weather bonanza

The pullout may additionally harm overseas firms with massive U.S. operations, such because the oil big Royal Dutch Shell and the Canada-based [...]
Pelosi to local weather convention: ‘We’re nonetheless in’ Paris settlement

Pelosi to local weather convention: ‘We’re nonetheless in’ Paris settlement

Pelosi led a delegation of Democratic U.S. lawmakers that included Home Power and Commerce Chairman Frank Pallone (D-N.J.), Home Science Chair [...]
1 56 57 58 59 60 61 870 / 905 POSTS