USD/JPY and GBP/JPY – Sentiment Analysis and Charts


USD/JPY and GBP/JPY – Sentiment Analysis and Charts

USD/JPY and GBP/JPY - Sentiment Analysis and ChartsUSD/JPY: Decoding Market Sentiment Amidst Shifting TidesGBP/JPY: Poised for Potential UpswingYou c

USD/JPY and GBP/JPY – Sentiment Analysis and Charts

  • USD/JPY: Decoding Market Sentiment Amidst Shifting Tides
  • GBP/JPY: Poised for Potential Upswing

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of clients are net long.

of clients are net short.

Change in Longs Shorts OI
Daily 13% 3% 4%
Weekly 14% 7% 8%

USD/JPY: Decoding Market Sentiment Amidst Shifting Tides


The latest retail traders data paints a complex picture for USD/JPY. Current data shows a mere 17.15% of retail traders holding long positions, with shorts outnumbering longs by nearly 5 to 1. Yet, beneath this bearish surface, currents of change are stirring.

Long positions are on the rise, climbing 16.84% day-over-day and 9.34% week-over-week. While our contrarian approach typically views net-short sentiment as a bullish signal, the recent reduction in bearish conviction hints at a potential trend reversal. This evolving sentiment landscape offers valuable insights for strategic positioning in the USD/JPY market.

USD/JPY Daily Price Chart


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How to Trade USD/JPY

GBP/JPY Market Dynamics: Poised for Potential Upswing


Recent retail trader data reveals intriguing insights into the GBP/JPY currency pair. A mere 19.38% of traders are currently maintaining long positions, resulting in a short-to-long ratio of 4.16 to 1. This pronounced bearish sentiment among retail traders often serves as a contrarian indicator, suggesting the possibility of continued upward momentum for the GBP/JPY.

Temporal shifts in trader positioning add another layer of complexity to the market outlook. While the number of traders holding long positions has increased by 8.27% since yesterday, it has markedly decreased by 18.64% compared to last week. Conversely, short positions have seen growth both on a daily (6.39%) and weekly (3.63%) basis.

This nuanced picture of trader sentiment and its recent fluctuations presents a mixed trading bias for the GBP/JPY. The overall net-short positioning has moderated since yesterday but intensified compared to last week, creating a delicate balance of market forces, and highlighting a mixed trading bias.

GBP/JPY Daily Price Chart


All price charts using TradingView

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