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Tips on forex risk management for corporates

Ireland stands as a beacon for foreign direct investment within Europe. Jason Gaywood, Head of Corporate Solutions at MillTechFX, writes about how this comes with significant currency risk and shares tips on how Irish corporates can implement an effective FX risk management programme.

Following the UK’s departure from the EU, numerous UK-based corporates and financial institutions had to set up operations within the EU to continue operating in the market.

Ireland, with its low corporate tax rate, skilled workforce, generous R&D subsidies and pro-business government became the destination of choice for many.

Foreign direct investment comes with currency management challenges. Multinationals in Ireland have customers, investors and suppliers all over the globe, and so currency shifts can impact their bottom lines.

Despite this, many have traditionally seen the task of foreign exchange (FX) risk management as second order. They transact in FX not because they ‘want’ to, but because they ‘have to’ given their international coverage.

However, we believe it is vital that Irish corporates prioritise their FX risk management strategies to mitigate the impact of currency moves on their financial performance.

The allure of Ireland shows no signs of waning, with around two-thirds of overseas companies that have already invested in Ireland planning to increase their investment in the next 12 months.

The majority of these firms have exposure to a wide range of currencies because they have customers, staff and suppliers across the globe, while their net profit flows out to the rest of the world as dividends and reinvested earnings.

Currency exposures

As Ireland is part of the eurozone, the value of the euro obviously plays a vital role in Irish corporates’ financial performance. Research shows that the euro’s volatility has affected 78% of European corporates’ financial results in the past 12 months, highlighting the importance of an effective risk management programme.

The USA is Ireland’s largest export market and the second biggest import market. As a result, dollar fluctuations can have a significant impact on Ireland’s corporates. After a topsy-turvy 2023, the US dollar is defying the odds, gaining against virtually every major currency in 2024, which makes imports more expensive for Irish businesses.

The UK is also a vital trading partner for Ireland, its third-largest export market and its biggest source of imports, which makes the pound an important currency for Irish corporates to monitor, and in 2024 sterling has outperformed performed most currencies.

Although overall currency volatility is muted at present, markets are constantly fluctuating and these moves have the potential to escalate rapidly. Therefore, it is imperative for Irish corporates to establish robust FX risk management programs to safeguard their financial stability.

FX risk management

With headwinds and inflation set to persist throughout the year ahead, we believe Irish corporates must begin implementing a robust risk-management strategy to minimise their exposure to foreign currency movements.

There are a number of steps that firms can take to achieve this. These include:

  1. Compare the market: Many Irish corporates may be hampered by their inability to access Tier 1 FX liquidity, meaning their access to best execution is often restricted by the fact that they often rely on a single bank or broker to meet their hedging requirements. The ability to put trades up for competition is key to ensuring access to the best price, which is crucial to effective risk management. 
  1. Diversification of liquidity providers: If the recent banking crisis has taught European companies anything, it is the importance of having access to multiple counterparties. Many CFOs have taken this lesson onboard and are now diversifying their FX across more counterparties. This means if one counterparty becomes unavailable, the firm can continue to manage and execute FX trades. 
  1. Transaction Cost Analysis: TCA was specifically created to highlight hidden costs and enables firms to understand how much they are being charged for the execution of their FX transactions. Ongoing, quarterly TCA from an independent provider can be embedded as a new operational practice to ensure consistent FX execution performance. 
  1. Outsourcing: When using the right partner, outsourcing can improve transparency and execution quality. This can enable corporates to dedicate more time to core business matters.
  1. Strong governance: Supply chains can be long, and suppliers may require payment in different currencies. Harnessing solutions that can strengthen governance may help corporates improve the cost, quality and transparency of their FX execution. 
  1. Automation: Many firms may continue to rely on manual processes like phone and email to execute FX trades. Harnessing automated solutions can offer end to end workflow, greater transparency and faster onboarding, helping finance departments streamline their FX functions. 

Implementing the right processes and harnessing technology-driven tools will help enable companies to effectively deal with FX challenges and protect the bottom line.

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