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Turkey – Factors to Watch on Dec 13

ISTANBUL, Dec 13 (Reuters) – Here are news, reports and events that may affect Turkish financial markets on Monday.

The lira , stood at 13.8590 versus the dollar at 0423 GMT, firming from a close of 13.8890 on Friday. It has lost some 46% of its value against the greenback this year.

The main BIST 100 share index (.XU100) rose 0.20% to 2,035.48 points on Friday.

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Asian stocks pushed ahead on Monday with investors seemingly confident markets can weather whatever comes from a host of central bank meetings this week, including the likely early end to U.S. policy stimulus. read more


The central bank will announce current account data for October (0700 GMT). In a Reuters poll, the data was expected to show a surplus of $2.4 billion, its third consecutive positive month, boosted by strong exports and tourism. read more


The Turkish Statistical Institute will announce industrial production data for October (0700 GMT). In a Reuters poll, the data was expected to show 8.3% annual growth, rising for a 16th consecutive month in a sustained burst of economic activity since the lifting of coronavirus measures. read more


Parliament’s main assembly will debate the foreign ministry and tourism ministry budgets for next year (0800 GMT).


The main opposition CHP leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu and IYI Party leader Meral Aksener will attend a municipality bus launch ceremony (0730 GMT) and Kilicdaroglu will also chair a meeting of the CHP’s central executive committee (0900 GMT).


Industry and Technology Minister Mustafa Varank will take part in a meeting of research universities (0800 GMT).


Justice Minister Abdulhamit Gul will attend a meeting of Council of Europe justice ministers in Venice.


Turkey logged 17,956 new COVID-19 cases on Sunday, health ministry data showed. Turkey recorded 182 deaths from the virus in the same period.

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Writing by Daren Butler

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

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