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Trump was sicker from Covid than the general public was advised, report says

President Donald Trump pulls off his face masks as he poses atop the Truman Balcony of the White Home after getting back from Walter Reed hospital for remedy of Covid-19, in Washington, U.S. October 5, 2020.

Erin Scott | Reuters

Former President Donald Trump was extra significantly sick from the coronavirus in October than the general public was advised on the time, a brand new report mentioned.

Trump, after contracting Covid-19, had “extraordinarily depressed blood oxygen ranges at one level and a lung downside related to pneumonia attributable to the coronavirus,” The New York Instances reported, citing 4 folks acquainted with his situation.

His situation was so poor, the Instances mentioned, that “officers believed he could be placed on a ventilator” earlier than he was taken from the White Home to Walter Reed Nationwide Navy Heart.

Based on the newspaper, an individual near the ex-president denied that he had been gravely sick, echoing feedback Trump made after he was sick.

The Instances famous that when Trump went to the hospital in early October — a month earlier than the presidential election — his medical staff tried to downplay the severity of his situation in feedback to the general public.

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