Category: Politics

1 3,565 3,566 3,567 3,568 3,569 3,575 53505 / 53624 POSTS
Mike Pompeo’s justification for killing Soleimani has shifted

Mike Pompeo’s justification for killing Soleimani has shifted

The Trump administration’s justification for killing Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, Iran’s high navy commander, has subtly shifted since final Thur [...]
Key Republican senators are sticking with McConnell on an impeachment trial plan — for now

Key Republican senators are sticking with McConnell on an impeachment trial plan — for now

Republican senators that Democrats hoped would be part of them of their push to incorporate witness testimony in President Donald Trump’s Senate [...]
UK finances date is ‘disrespectful to devolution’, says Derek Mackay

UK finances date is ‘disrespectful to devolution’, says Derek Mackay

Media playback is unsupported in your machine Media captionDerek Mackay says a delay to the UK finances might [...]
Lengthy Bailey: Corbyn is a 10 out of 10 Labour chief

Lengthy Bailey: Corbyn is a 10 out of 10 Labour chief

Jeremy Corbyn is a two-time election loser who condemned his celebration to a dismal defeat by the hands of Boris Johnson final month. So how woul [...]
What is going to occur in Scottish politics in 2020?

What is going to occur in Scottish politics in 2020?

MSPs are heading again to work at Holyrood whereas newly-elected MPs gear as much as move a Brexit deal at Westminster. After a tumultuous [...]
Did Carlos Ghosn actually flee ‘injustice’ in Japan?

Did Carlos Ghosn actually flee ‘injustice’ in Japan?

Q: What had been the this yr’s large New Yr movies on Japanese TV? A: The Nice Escape and Ghosn with the Wind. Former Nissan supremo Carlos Ghosn’ [...]
Warren Rolls Out a Chapter Plan, Reviving an Previous Conflict With Biden

Warren Rolls Out a Chapter Plan, Reviving an Previous Conflict With Biden

Senator Elizabeth Warren on Tuesday announced a plan to roll back provisions in a 2005 bankruptcy law, reviving a debate she had 15 years in the pa [...]
Elizabeth Warren’s chapter reform plan

Elizabeth Warren’s chapter reform plan

With a brand new plan out Tuesday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren is returning to her roots — proposing to roll again chapter modifications made in 2005 [...]
How will new Tory MPs cope with constituency issues?

How will new Tory MPs cope with constituency issues?

MPs are again in Parliament at the moment after the Christmas recess, and for a few of them, that is the primary actual week of labor after spendi [...]
My conflict with Alastair Campbell satisfied me it’s time to hug a remainer

My conflict with Alastair Campbell satisfied me it’s time to hug a remainer

I confess I had butterflies doing the primary BBC Politics Dwell of 2020. It felt like the primary day again in school. Past Twitter spats and Chr [...]
Iran battle: The one examine on Trump is the 2020 election

Iran battle: The one examine on Trump is the 2020 election

Let’s begin this piece with two provocative claims. The primary, which is hotly contested by authorized specialists, is that President Donald Tr [...]
Bernie Sanders might be essentially the most electable Democrat in 2020

Bernie Sanders might be essentially the most electable Democrat in 2020

Vox writers are making the most effective case for the main Democratic candidates — outlined as these polling above 10 % in nationwide averages. [...]
Democrats need to verify Trump on Iran — however Congress can solely achieve this a lot

Democrats need to verify Trump on Iran — however Congress can solely achieve this a lot

Congressional Democrats need to restrict President Donald Trump’s skill to take navy motion towards Iran, they usually’re planning to drive a vo [...]
UK working to 'de-escalate' Iran tensions – Raab

UK working to 'de-escalate' Iran tensions – Raab

Overseas Secretary Dominic Raab says the federal government is working onerous to "de-escalate" tensions between the US and Iran. [...]
1 3,565 3,566 3,567 3,568 3,569 3,575 53505 / 53624 POSTS