Black Lives Matter: Raab criticised over ‘Sport of Thrones’ remark

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Black Lives Matter: Raab criticised over ‘Sport of Thrones’ remark

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Dominic RaabPicture copyright
AFP/ Getty Photographs

Dominic Raab says he has “full respect” for Black Lives Matter campaigners after he was criticised for feedback about “taking the knee”.

The international secretary mentioned the gesture “appears to be taken” from TV drama Sport of Thrones.

He added that he would solely take the knee for 2 individuals, “the Queen and the Mrs once I requested her to marry me”.

Labour’s shadow justice secretary David Lammy mentioned his feedback have been “insulting” and “deeply embarrassing”.

Taking the knee is an indication of assist for the Black Lives Matter motion.

Talking to Julia Hartley-Brewer on talkRadio, Mr Raab mentioned he understood the “sense of frustration and restlessness which is driving the Black Lives Matter motion”.

Nonetheless, he mentioned taking the knee “feels to me like an emblem of subjugation, subordination, relatively than certainly one of liberation and emancipation, however I perceive individuals really feel otherwise about it so it is a matter of non-public selection.”

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AFP/ Getty Photographs

Picture caption

Manchester Metropolis’s Kevin De Bruyne (C) and Arsenal,s Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang (R) take a knee forward of their match

Taking the knee is an indication of protest in opposition to racial inequality and has turn out to be extensively utilized by demonstrators following the demise of the American man George Floyd.

On Wednesday night, Premier League soccer gamers took the knee earlier than kicking off the primary video games because the lockdown was launched.

And earlier this month Labour chief Sir Keir Starmer was photographed taking the knee together with his deputy Angela Rayner.

Labour MP Maria Eagle criticised Mr Raab’s feedback saying: “How embarrassing. Is not he enthusiastic about US politics? (btw, he may have requested his civil servants the place it comes from & they’d have informed him).

“One other cupboard minister who simply muses in public with out doing any work – how ignorant.”

Mr Raab later sought to make clear his remarks tweeting: “To be clear: I’ve full respect for the Black Lives Matter motion, and the problems driving them.

“If individuals want to take a knee, that is their selection and I respect it. All of us want to return collectively to sort out any discrimination and social injustice.”