Coronavirus: MP Nadia Whittome ‘sacked’ as carer after ‘talking out’ about PPE

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Coronavirus: MP Nadia Whittome ‘sacked’ as carer after ‘talking out’ about PPE

Picture copyright Nadia Whittome

Nadia WhittomePicture copyright
Nadia Whittome

Picture caption

In March Nadia Whittome returned to the care job she had earlier than turning into an MP

An MP claims she was “successfully sacked” after talking out about PPE at her part-time job at a care residence.

Nadia Whittome, Labour MP for Nottingham East, returned to work at Lark Hill retirement village to assist with the coronavirus outbreak.

However she mentioned she was accused of “spreading misinformation” in regards to the lack of PPE in her interview with BBC’s Newsnight and informed to not return.

Her employer ExtraCare mentioned there have been no issues with PPE at Lark Hill.

It added it “now not wanted” her assist as an off-the-cuff employee as a result of its personal in-house cowl was sufficient.

However Ms Whittome informed Newsnight final month she noticed masks restricted to at least one a day and visors donated by members of the general public.

On Wednesday she claimed she had acquired an e-mail about talking publically about this and her employer diminished her hours to zero.

She mentioned she was “appalled”.

She added: “It’s my obligation to be sincere in regards to the lack of PPE and testing.

“I can survive being successfully sacked for talking out, as a result of I’ve one other revenue. However for thus many individuals in social care – who work a talented, exhausting and now harmful job for poverty pay – talking out just isn’t an choice.”

‘Inaccurate’ stories

A spokeswoman for the ExtraCare Charitable Belief mentioned stories of an absence of PPE at Lark Hill had been “inaccurate” they usually had greater than three months’ provide.

She mentioned that they had had no deaths due to Covid-19 because of a “full provide of PPE” and an infection management they usually had all the time adopted authorities steerage.

She added: “Nadia joined us as an off-the-cuff employee to assist our care group and we welcomed her contribution, offering help on eight care shifts throughout March and April.

“Our in-house care group at the moment are fulfilling our wants presently and Nadia’s assistance is now not wanted.”

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