Jack Straw: Labour wants a Corbyn successor like a gap within the head

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Jack Straw: Labour wants a Corbyn successor like a gap within the head

Labour’s Rebecca Lengthy Bailey formally introduced her management bid final night time, and formally planted her flag because the Corbyn continui

Labour’s Rebecca Lengthy Bailey formally introduced her management bid final night time, and formally planted her flag because the Corbyn continuity candidate. In a chunk within the left-wing Tribune journal, the aspiring Labour chief stated the she didn’t simply agree with Jeremy Corbyn’s insurance policies on the final election, she ‘spent the final 4 years writing them’, and blamed the occasion’s loss on its lack of a ‘coherent narrative.’

However some are clearly not a fan of the occasion persevering with with Jeremy Corbyn’s legacy. This morning, former Labour Overseas Secretary Jack Straw actually didn’t maintain again from criticising Lengthy Bailey’s view that the occasion ought to keep away from its ‘Tory-lite insurance policies’ of the previous. In an interview with Sky Information, Straw steered that:

‘The Labour occasion wants a real, loyal successor to Jeremy Corbyn prefer it wants a gap within the head.’

Earlier than including that:

‘If [Labour] goes with somebody who says she or he is the “continuity candidate” that’s signing a collective suicide observe.’

The Labour occasion is actually coming collectively this management contest…
