Normal election 2019: Leigh’s voters on ‘improbable’ seismic shift

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Normal election 2019: Leigh’s voters on ‘improbable’ seismic shift

Picture caption New MP James Grundy admit

James Grundy (centre) with supporters

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New MP James Grundy admitted he had anticipated “to lose with dignity”.

Leigh has been a fearsome Labour stronghold for practically 100 years and even Conservative candidate James Grundy anticipated to “lose with dignity”. Now he is the native MP. Are his constituents as shocked as he’s?

It has been Labour since 1922 and was Higher Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham’s constituency for 16 years, the person many most popular forward of Jeremy Corbyn for the Labour management.

Numbering a lowly 132 on the Conservatives’ listing of targets, Leigh was one of many strongest bricks within the the so-called “red wall” of Labour safe seats.

It is honest to say no-one actually predicted Leigh turning blue.

Nonetheless, Mr Grundy became the constituency’s new MP after securing a 1,965 majority, with a 12% swing to the celebration.

There was little expectation of such a seismic swap, so attempting to make sense of why the previous mill city has turned Tory has been a puzzle for commentators – and even for Mr Grundy.

“I got here right here tonight anticipating to lose with dignity, somewhat than head all the way down to London tomorrow,” he stated. “I suppose I will need to assume on my toes about what I will do.”

But, for many of the city’s residents, the consequence was much less of a shock.

‘I am a Remainer however voted Tory’

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Dave West supported the Conservatives regardless of voting to stay within the EU

Greengrocer Dave West voted Conservative, regardless of voting stay within the referendum and anticipating his enterprise prices to rise if Britain leaves the EU.

Nonetheless, he needs to see extra native funding and stated he felt “ignored” by the earlier MP, Labour’s Jo Platt.

“I by no means even noticed [her]. Folks have had sufficient. I’ve by no means seen so many individuals getting in to vote in my life.

“I do not need to depart the EU as a result of my lorry drivers might be in queues and far of my produce is from Spain and France, however I nonetheless voted Conservative due to the whole lot else.

“My choice was primarily based on native points.”

‘I am hoping for giant change’

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Gail Robinson stated the city’s final MP “talked plenty of gibberish”

Gail Robinson, who runs a delicatessen stall, was additionally influenced by native points and stated she was proud to have ticked the Tory field for the primary time.

The 46-year-old stated she “did not need Labour in anymore”.

“All of the funding simply goes to Wigan. The MP talked plenty of gibberish.

“Andy Burnham did loads for Leigh and I had extra confidence in him, however not since then.

“I am actually hoping that there is going to be an enormous change.

“I feel that many individuals have simply acquired to a degree the place they need to get issues transferring.”

‘An enormous shock’

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Julie Using stated she thought voters “belief Boris extra with enterprise”

Fifty-five-year-old Julie Using, who runs a present card stall within the city’s market, was on the fence as she approached the polling station and ended up spoiling her poll paper.

“I took an internet survey and it did say to vote Labour, however I simply could not do it,” she stated.

“Jeremy Corbyn, I simply don’t love him.

“I did like Boris earlier than, however now he appears to be a little bit of a buffoon.

“Nonetheless, it is a huge shock. The folks of Leigh have at all times voted Labour. However they see market stalls and companies closing down and maybe they simply belief Boris extra with enterprise.”

‘We have waited a very long time for this’

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William and Wendy Seddon have at all times voted Tory

Not everybody in Leigh has merely modified allegiances from purple to blue.

William and Wendy Seddon have lived in Leigh all their lives and have at all times voted Conservative.

Mrs Seddon stated the consequence was “completely improbable”.

“We have needed to battle exhausting and wait a very long time, but it surely’s simply nice information,” she stated.

“We would like more cash put into the NHS and funding and reinvestment within the city. Every little thing has at all times focussed on [neighbouring] Wigan.”

The retired childminder stated whereas she understood the NHS and funding in northern cities have been key components of Jeremy Corbyn’s marketing campaign, she felt he by no means defined the place he was “going to get the cash from”.

Her husband, a retired HGV driver, stated electing Labour “would’ve price us”.

“All they wished to do is tax us. We have needed to battle to get…