Why are there so few Chinese language MPs in Parliament?

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Why are there so few Chinese language MPs in Parliament?

Kyle is keen on turning into a politician, however wonders why there are so few Chinese language MPs in Parliament.After interviewing his household

Kyle is keen on turning into a politician, however wonders why there are so few Chinese language MPs in Parliament.

After interviewing his household, he spoke to Alan Mak, the primary individual of Chinese language and East Asian origin to be elected to the Home of Commons, on Five Live Breakfast.

The Conservative MP instructed Kyle that there’s a small pool of individuals to select from and that there’s a “large desire for conventional professions” like medical doctors, legal professionals and accountants amongst Chinese language households.

Nonetheless, Mr Mak added: “As time goes on, and as folks get entangled at a extra native degree, we are going to see extra representatives coming ahead. I believe having an expert profession offers you an important basis to be politician.”

You could find tales by different younger folks on the BBC Young Reporter website.
