A Klobuchar endorser switches to Buttigieg? Not fairly.

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A Klobuchar endorser switches to Buttigieg? Not fairly.

That didn’t cease the Buttigieg marketing campaign from informing reporters that Mr. Johnson, who launched Mr. Buttigieg as “the following presiden

That didn’t cease the Buttigieg marketing campaign from informing reporters that Mr. Johnson, who launched Mr. Buttigieg as “the following president of the US,” had “introduced his assist for him.”

Mr. Johnson stated after the occasion that he’s nonetheless backing Ms. Klobuchar.

“They’re two good candidates,” he stated. “I’m simply pleased with somebody from the Midwest.”

Mr. Johnson stated he was requested to introduce Mr. Buttigieg after the scheduled introducer had automotive hassle and missed the occasion. He referred to as Mr. Buttigieg the following president, he stated, as a result of that’s simply one thing you say when somebody visits Iowa.

“It’s a courtesy,” he stated. “I might do it for anybody who had a D behind their identify.”

Regardless of his affection for them, Mr. Johnson doesn’t anticipate both Mr. Buttigieg or Ms. Klobuchar to win the state’s caucuses.

“My prediction is Senator Sanders,” he stated, referring to Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who’s leading in the latest Iowa polling.

“There’s lots of issues which have occurred, and Secretary Clinton didn’t do any good to tamp down his case,” he stated, referencing critical remarks Hillary Clinton made last week about her former major rival.

“I inform you, that man’s persons are going to be on the market with a vengeance.”
