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As vote counting continues, Warnock pledges to battle for all Georgians.

With a slim lead in his crucial Senate race, the Rev. Raphael Warnock promised Georgia voters early Wednesday that he would work on behalf of all of them within the Senate, providing assured remarks in a video, regardless of the race having but to be formally known as in his favor.

“We have been informed that we couldn’t win this election,” mentioned Mr. Warnock, who was main the Republican incumbent, Kelly Loeffler, by roughly 35,000 votes with about 97 p.c of the ballots already counted. “However tonight, we proved that with hope, exhausting work and the individuals by our facet, something is feasible.”

Mr. Warnock, the pastor on the storied Ebenezer Baptist Church, declared that he “was going to the Senate” to work for all Georgians, although the race has not been determined.

Throughout transient remarks, he each recalled his household’s roots and cited the phrases of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

If he finally wins his race, Mr. Warnock would change into the primary Black Democrat elected to the Senate from the South.

“Could my story be an inspiration to some younger one that is making an attempt to know and seize maintain of the American dream.”

“Georgia,” he added, “I’m honored by the religion you may have proven in me.”

Mr. Warnock’s race is happening alongside one other tight Senate contest that has but to be known as. That race, between Republican David Perdue and Democrat Jon Ossoff, as of early Wednesday was a digital tie.

If Democrats handle to win each races, they may take management of the Senate, clearing the best way to extra simply enact President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s agenda.

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