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Florida Modification 2 outcomes: $15 minimal wage accepted

Florida voters have mentioned sure to rising the state’s minimal wage to $15.

They did so by approving Modification 2, which will increase the state’s minimal wage from $8.56 to $15 by September 30, 2026, in keeping with the New York Instances and the Related Press. The change is incremental, with employers being requested to extend wages, basically, by $1 a 12 months. The modification additionally specifies that as of September 30, 2027, Florida should modify its state minimal wage primarily based on the Shopper Value Index for City Wage Earners and Clerical Staff (CPI-W), which means wages might be adjusted up or down as client costs change. The identical measure is used to calculate modifications in Social Safety advantages.

The transfer towards a $15 minimal wage has gained steam throughout the nation in recent times and is now a part of the Democratic Occasion’s platform. At the moment, the federal minimal wage is $7.25, however 29 states and Washington, DC, have the next flooring.

Florida’s sure vote on Modification 2 makes it the primary state within the South and the eighth state within the nation to boost its minimal wage to $15. In keeping with Struggle for $15, a gaggle that advocates on behalf of a $15 minimal wage, Virginia is the one southern state that has elevated its minimal wage lately, however to $12, not $15.

The lead-up to Florida’s vote was a considerably contentious one. Quick-food staff in Tampa, Orlando, and Miami went on strike in help of the poll measure’s passage. The editorial boards of the Miami Herald, the Orlando Sentinel, and the Palm Seaside Put up, amongst others, endorsed the measure. Nevertheless, some enterprise associations and lobbyists opposed it, arguing that paying staff extra would imply larger prices, which might finally be handed on to shoppers — and by arguing {that a} minimal wage improve would lead to job losses.

The final time Florida residents voted on a minimal wage measure was in 2004, after they voted in favor of accelerating it to $6.15, after which subsequently rising it primarily based on modifications within the CPI-W.

This can be a large deal for lots of staff — a lot of whom had been abruptly deemed “important” this 12 months

The left-leaning Florida Coverage Institute estimates that Modification 2’s passage will lead to a wage improve for two.5 million staff in Florida — in different phrases, it’s more likely to make a huge impact on folks’s lives.

It is very important notice the context round this poll measure: the Covid-19 pandemic. Low-wage staff have been slammed by the outbreak: Tens of millions misplaced their jobs at first of the pandemic as elements of the financial system had been shuttered. Tens of millions extra had been deemed “important” and instructed to maintain going to work, usually placing their well being in danger for meager pay.

In Florida, particularly, out-of-work people needed to deal with the state’s deeply flawed unemployment insurance coverage system that was supposed to assist them keep afloat. Passing Modification 2 looks as if a good strategy to acknowledge that these staff deserve extra, and that they matter.

The dialog behind a $15 minimal wage is an advanced one. Whereas it will clearly result in folks being paid extra, some enterprise homeowners and politicians fear that it may value jobs. A 2019 examine from the Congressional Funds Workplace estimated {that a} federal $15 minimal wage would carry 1.Three million folks out of poverty, but additionally value the identical quantity of jobs. (Different financial research have prompt the job loss threat just isn’t that large.)

One of many issues with projecting the impression of a $15 minimal wage is that not sufficient locations have carried out it to see the way it works in observe. Now, Florida might be one other case examine.

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