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He Waterboarded a Detainee. Then He Needed to Get the C.I.A. to Let Him Cease.

Seven months later, Dr. Mitchell and Dr. Jessen waterboarded Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, who allegedly led the Sept. 11, 2001, hijacking plot, 183 occasions. However Dr. Mitchell, testifying on the second day of two weeks of hearings centered on the C.I.A. torture program, described primarily placing on a present for visiting senior intelligence officers from C.I.A. headquarters to get permission to cease waterboarding Mr. Zubaydah, whom he and his associate waterboarded a complete of 63 occasions.

Credit score…U.S. Central Command

Protection legal professionals within the Sept. 11 death-penalty case known as Dr. Mitchell as the primary eyewitness of what went on within the C.I.A. interrogation and detention program within the years earlier than Mr. Mohammed and his co-defendants had been transferred to Guantánamo in September 2006 for trial.

Throughout his testimony, Dr. Mitchell pantomimed pouring water, as if from a pitcher. Twenty-five ft away, Mr. Mohammed, on trial for his alleged position in planning the Sept. 11 assaults that killed almost 3,000 folks, had headphones on and gave the impression to be watching a video on a laptop computer.

“A few of the people who had been watching had been tearful,” Dr. Mitchell mentioned in describing the response among the many guests who got here to see Mr. Zubaydah’s interrogation, together with “individuals who had been there all alongside who didn’t need to see him waterboarded once more. I used to be tearful. I cry at pet food commercials, and it was significantly arduous for me to do.”

“I felt sorry for him,” Dr. Mitchell mentioned of Mr. Zubaydah. “I believed it was pointless. He had agreed to work for us,” and other than the occasional deception, he mentioned, “he held up his finish of the cut price.”

In April 2002, as C.I.A. contract psychologists, Drs. Mitchell and Jessen designed a program of violence, sleep deprivation and isolation particularly to be used on Mr. Zubaydah. The C.I.A. euphemistically known as them “enhanced interrogation strategies.”

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