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In Court docket Doc, Tara Reade’s Ex-Husband Stated She Spoke of Harassment

Tara Reade complained to her ex-husband throughout the 1990s that she had been a sufferer of sexual harassment whereas working in Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s Senate workplace, court docket information present, offering the primary contemporaneous file supporting her claims that sexual misconduct occurred when she labored for Mr. Biden.

The information, a part of greater than 500 pages filed in reference to Ms. Reade’s 1996 divorce in California, don’t particularly say that Mr. Biden, the previous vice chairman and presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, was the perpetrator, nor do they allege that she was sexually assaulted, her most up-to-date declare.

“On a number of events petitioner associated an issue that she was having at work concerning sexual harassment in U.S. Senator Joe Biden’s workplace,” Ms. Reade’s ex-husband, Theodore Dronen, mentioned in a court docket declaration wherein he responded to her request for a short lived restraining order in opposition to him.

In the document, Mr. Dronen said he believed the events disturbed Ms. Reade and led to her departure in 1993 from Mr. Biden’s office when he served in the Senate.

“It was obvious that this event had a very traumatic effect,” he said, according to the court document, arguing that it led her to make exaggerated claims against him, “and that she is still sensitive and effected by it today.”

Ms. Reade has accused Mr. Biden of assaulting her in the Senate complex in 1993, placing his hand under her dress and penetrating her with his fingers.

The Biden campaign on Friday cited news articles that it said showed inconsistencies in Ms. Reade’s account and said in a statement: “The truth is that these allegations are false and that the material that has been presented to back them up, under scrutiny, keeps proving their falsity.”

The court records from 1996 recap the tumultuous 14-month marriage of Ms. Reade and Mr. Dronen, who met while they were both young staffers on Capitol Hill in 1993. The couple later settled in Morro Bay, Calif., along with their young daughter.

In a filing denying many of the claims Ms. Reade made against him, Mr. Dronen cataloged her claims of having been victimized, first by her separated parents and up to her Senate experience — an account he said that she had first told him when they worked in Washington.

“Petitioner told me that she eventually struck a deal with the chief of staff of the Senator’s office and left her position,” Mr. Dronen said, according to the document. “I was sympathetic to her needs when she asked me for help, and assisted her financially, and allowed her to stay at my apartment with my roommate while she looked for work.”

In an emailed statement sent to the The New York Times this week, Mr. Dronen said he wished Ms. Reade well, but declined to discuss details of their marriage. “Tara and I ended our relationship over two decades ago under difficult circumstances. I am not interested in reliving that chapter of my life,” the statement said.

The mention in the court complaint of Mr. Biden’s chief of staff — and a purported agreement with Ms. Reade — appears to refer to Ted Kaufman, a longtime aide to Mr. Biden.

Mr. Kaufman, who also served out Mr. Biden’s term as senator from Delaware when he became vice president, has denied any recollection of Ms. Reade or allegations of misconduct directed at Mr. Biden.

“I do not remember her, and had she come to me in any of these circumstances, I would remember her,” Mr. Kaufman said in a statement provided by the campaign. “But I do not, because she did not.”

Sydney Ember and Jim Rutenberg contributed reporting.

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