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Justice Dept. Investigating Years-Outdated Leaks and Seems Targeted on Comey

WASHINGTON — Federal prosecutors in Washington are investigating a years-old leak of labeled details about a Russian intelligence doc, and they look like specializing in whether or not the previous F.B.I. director James B. Comey illegally supplied particulars to reporters, in line with individuals aware of the inquiry.

The case is the second time the Justice Division has investigated leaks probably involving Mr. Comey, a frequent goal of President Trump, who has repeatedly known as him a “leaker.” Mr. Trump recently suggested with out proof that Mr. Comey must be prosecuted for “illegal conduct” and spend years in jail.

The timing of the investigation may increase questions on whether or not it was motivated not less than partially by politics. Prosecutors and F.B.I. brokers sometimes examine leaks of labeled data across the time they seem within the information media, not years later. And the inquiry is the most recent politically delicate matter undertaken by america lawyer’s workplace in Washington, which can be conducting an investigation of Mr. Comey’s former deputy, Andrew G. McCabe, that has been stricken by issues.

Legislation enforcement officers are scrutinizing not less than two information articles concerning the F.B.I. and Mr. Comey, revealed in The New York Times and The Washington Post in 2017, that talked about the Russian authorities doc, in line with the individuals aware of the investigation. Hackers working for Dutch intelligence officers obtained the doc and supplied it to the F.B.I., and each its existence and the gathering of it had been extremely labeled secrets and techniques, the individuals stated.

The doc performed a key position in Mr. Comey’s determination to sideline the Justice Division and announce in July 2016 that the F.B.I. wouldn’t suggest that Hillary Clinton face costs in her use of a non-public e mail server to conduct authorities enterprise whereas secretary of state.

The investigation into the leaks started in latest months, the individuals stated, however it isn’t clear whether or not prosecutors have impaneled a grand jury or what number of witnesses they’ve interviewed. What prompted the inquiry can be unclear, however the Russian doc was talked about in a book revealed final fall, “Deep State: Trump, the F.B.I., and the Rule of Legislation” by James B. Stewart, a Instances reporter.

A lawyer for Mr. Comey declined to remark, as did a spokeswoman for america lawyer’s workplace in Washington.

Mr. Trump has repeatedly pressured the Justice Division to research his perceived enemies. In 2018, he advised the White Home counsel on the time, Donald F. McGahn II, to prosecute Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Comey. Mr. McGahn refused, telling the president that he didn’t have the authority to order investigations and that doing so may immediate abuse-of-power accusations. Mr. Trump had additionally mentioned the appointment of a second particular counsel to conduct the investigations he sought.

Beforehand, federal prosecutors in New York scrutinized Mr. Comey after his private lawyer and buddy, Daniel C. Richman, supplied the contents of a memo about Mr. Comey’s interactions with Mr. Trump to a Instances reporter at Mr. Comey’s request. Although officers retroactively decided that the memo contained labeled data, prosecutors declined to charge Mr. Comey with illegally disclosing the fabric. The Justice Division’s inspector common, who had examined Mr. Comey’s conduct and referred his findings to prosecutors in New York, concluded that Mr. Comey violated F.B.I. coverage.

The most recent investigation includes materials that Dutch intelligence operatives siphoned off Russian computer systems and supplied to america authorities. The knowledge included a Russian evaluation of what seemed to be an e mail change in the course of the 2016 presidential marketing campaign between Consultant Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Democrat of Florida who was additionally the chairwoman of the Democratic Nationwide Committee on the time, and Leonard Benardo, an official with the Open Society Foundations, a democracy-promoting group whose founder, George Soros, has lengthy been a goal of the far proper.

Within the e mail, Ms. Wasserman Schultz instructed that then-Lawyer Normal Loretta E. Lynch would ensure that Mrs. Clinton wouldn’t be prosecuted within the e mail case. Each Ms. Wasserman Schultz and Mr. Benardo have denied being in touch, suggesting the doc was meant to be Russian disinformation.

That doc was one of many key components that drove Mr. Comey to carry a information convention in July 2016 saying that investigators would suggest no costs towards Mrs. Clinton. Usually, senior Justice Division officers would determine methods to proceed in such a high-profile case, however Mr. Comey was involved that if Ms. Lynch performed a central position in deciding whether or not to cost Mrs. Clinton, Russia may leak the e-mail.

Whether or not the doc was pretend stays an open query. However American officers on the time didn’t consider that Ms. Lynch would hinder the Clinton e mail…

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