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Palestinian Chief Denounces Trump’s Mideast Plan at U.N.

The Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, delivered an indignant rejection of President Trump’s plan for peace between Palestinians and Israelis on the United Nations on Tuesday, describing it as an illegitimate, one-sided proposal that rewarded Israel for many years of occupation and turned his folks’s land into “Swiss cheese” riddled with Israeli settlements.

In a speech on the Safety Council, Mr. Abbas categorically repudiated every part in regards to the plan, which Mr. Trump unveiled with great fanfare two weeks in the past in Washington with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel at his facet. The plan would give Israel most of what it needed whereas providing the Palestinians the potential of a state with restricted sovereignty.

Mr. Abbas, together with many countries, together with members of the Arab League and the European Union, publicly rejected the plan quickly after it was introduced. However his go to to the United Nations Safety Council, the venue for a lot of indignant confrontations over the protracted Israeli-Palestinian battle, bolstered his dedication to make sure the plan would by no means be thought of, at the same time as a foundation for reviving negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.

“That is an Israeli-American pre-emptive plan with the intention to put an finish to the query of Palestine,” Mr. Abbas stated.

Mr. Trump’s plan, which he had repeatedly delayed releasing, would assure that Israel would management a unified Jerusalem as its capital and never require it to uproot any of the settlements within the West Financial institution, established because the 1967 Arab-Israeli conflict, which have provoked Palestinian outrage and alienated a lot of the world.

“This plan won’t carry peace or stability to the area,” Mr. Abbas instructed the Safety Council. “It’s like Swiss cheese, actually. Who amongst you’ll settle for an analogous state and circumstances? This deal, girls and gents, contains the entrenchment of occupation and strengthening the apartheid regime that we thought we removed a very long time in the past.”

Mr. Trump’s plan additionally would deny the Palestinians their longstanding demand to create a capital within the jap a part of Jerusalem, as an alternative giving them Abu Dis, an unimposing suburb of the holy metropolis separated from it by a concrete Israeli-built safety barrier.

Mr. Trump vowed to offer $50 billion in worldwide funding to assist construct the brand new Palestinian entity and open an embassy in its new state.

Mr. Abbas’s speech was sharply criticized by Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, Danny Danon, who instructed the Safety Council that the Palestinian chief was not all for peace talks.

“If President Abbas was critical about negotiating, he wouldn’t be right here in New York, he could be in Jerusalem,” Mr. Danon stated. “Complaining as an alternative of main, that’s Abbas’s approach.”

Later Tuesday, Mr. Abbas deliberate to make a joint look in New York with Ehud Olmert, the previous Israeli prime minister, who in 2008 had negotiated with Mr. Abbas the outlines of a peace plan that may have been far more generous to the Palestinian side.

Mr. Olmert’s authorized issues and the Israeli conflict in Gaza ended these talks and the right-wing authorities led by Mr. Netanyahu took energy.

Earlier than Mr. Abbas spoke, Secretary Basic António Guterres addressed the council and reaffirmed the 193-member group’s dedication to the longstanding pledge for an answer that envisioned two states “residing facet by facet in peace and safety inside acknowledged borders on the premise of the pre-1967 strains.”

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