Poland’s Duda secures one other 5 years as president: preliminary end result

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Poland’s Duda secures one other 5 years as president: preliminary end result

Duda claimed victory even earlier than the discharge of the preliminary outcomes. "Successful the presidential election with 70 p.c of turnout, it

Duda claimed victory even earlier than the discharge of the preliminary outcomes.

“Successful the presidential election with 70 p.c of turnout, it is good news. I am very moved,” Duda mentioned Sunday night at a marketing campaign occasion in Pułtusk, a city north of Warsaw.

Trzaskowski additionally claimed victory on Sunday, saying: “I am completely sure that nothing will beat us, as a result of we have already received, whatever the ultimate end result. We’ve got managed to get up, we’ve managed to create new hope.”

The turnout within the runoff vote was 68.12 p.c, in keeping with the fee. The ultimate results of the vote will likely be introduced later Monday or on Tuesday.

Duda, 48, first received the Polish presidency 5 years in the past as a comparatively unknown member of European Parliament, after promising social applications for the nation’s poorest and oldest voters. This yr, he constructed his marketing campaign on a mixture of continued beneficiant social welfare applications leavened with a dose of defending Poland’s nationwide and Christian values by unleashing assaults on what he referred to as “LGBT ideology,” in addition to on Jews and Germans.

With Duda as head of state, PiS stays Poland’s dominant political energy. Solely the comparatively powerless Senate is narrowly within the grips of the opposition, which is not sufficient to cease the get together’s radical reform agenda.

Through the marketing campaign, high-level PiS officers together with Duda and the get together’s Chairman Jarosław Kaczyński, broadly thought-about Poland’s de-facto chief, hinted at their upcoming agenda.

It is probably that efforts to rein within the impartial media will likely be excessive on their record. State-owned tv is already a mouthpiece for the ruling get together, and throughout the marketing campaign Duda and different politicians complained of international interference when media owned by international firms reported essential tales.

It is also probably that the federal government’s five-year efforts to convey Poland’s courts beneath tighter political management will proceed with renewed vigor — strikes which have brought about rising tensions with the European Fee and the European Parliament.

To mobilize his conservative voters, Duda constructed an anti-LGBTQ marketing campaign and proposed a constitutional modification that might bar single-sex {couples} from adopting kids. Kaczyński mentioned he hopes the nation’s Constitutional Courtroom, managed by PiS, will ban abortion if a fetus is irreparably broken.
