Potential Cheney challenger steps down from RNC post

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Potential Cheney challenger steps down from RNC post

Trump has embarked on a monthslong search for a challenger to endorse in the race to unseat Cheney, who has blamed Trump for the Jan. 6 Capitol ri

Trump has embarked on a monthslong search for a challenger to endorse in the race to unseat Cheney, who has blamed Trump for the Jan. 6 Capitol riot and was one of 10 House Republicans to back his impeachment. The former president has interviewed several other candidates in addition to Hageman, including attorney Darin Smith and state Rep. Chuck Gray. Trump’s eventual endorsement, his aides hope, will elbow out other candidates and prevent a splintered primary that could allow Cheney to win renomination with a plurality.

Hageman would be an unconventional candidate, should she choose to run. She donated to Cheney’s 2014 and 2016 campaigns and served on Cheney’s leadership team during her short-lived 2014 Senate run. She lavished praise on Cheney in a 2018 Facebook post and, as of Tuesday evening, her website included a picture of her with the congresswoman.

But Hageman pointedly criticized Cheney in her Wednesday letter, saying that the state Republican Party’s decision to censure the congresswoman “sent the strong message that we expect our elected officials to respect the views and values of the people who elected them. Accountability is key and I am proud of our party for demanding it.”

Hageman has served on the Republican National Committee for a year. Party rules do not explicitly prohibit sitting committee members from running for office, but the practice is generally frowned upon.
