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Schiff, Calling Trump ‘Wrathful and Vindictive,’ Sees Tweet as a Risk

WASHINGTON — Consultant Adam B. Schiff, the Home’s lead impeachment supervisor, accused President Trump of making an attempt to threaten him on Twitter and urged Republican senators to seek out the “ethical braveness to face up” to a “wrathful and vindictive president.”

Mr. Trump, writing on Twitter Sunday morning, attacked Mr. Schiff as “a CORRUPT POLITICIAN, and possibly a really sick man,” warning, “He has not paid the worth, but, for what he has performed to our Nation!”

It was a unprecedented back-and-forth between a member of Congress and a sitting president, coming at a turning level in Mr. Trump’s impeachment trial on costs of excessive crimes and misdemeanors — the third presidential impeachment trial in American historical past.

“Have a look at the president’s tweets about me at this time saying that I ought to pay a value,” Mr. Schiff mentioned on the NBC program “Meet the Press.”

“Do you are taking that as a menace?” requested Chuck Todd, the present’s host.

“I believe it’s meant to be,” the congressman replied.

Mr. Schiff has been beneath fireplace from Republicans for mentioning a information report throughout the trial that alleges that the White Home had threatened to place their heads “on a pike” in the event that they voted to convict, and he doubled down on that declare Sunday, saying that he merely meant it might require fearlessness on the a part of the senators.

On Monday, the Senate will reconvene at 1 p.m. for the president’s authorized group to proceed its protection. Until a minimum of 4 Republicans be part of with Democrats to vote to broaden the scope of the proceedings by bringing in witnesses or documentary proof, the trial might wrap up as early as this week with Mr. Trump’s anticipated acquittal.

Mr. Schiff on Sunday additionally appeared to induce Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., who’s presiding over the trial, to make use of his authority to find out whether or not witnesses may be applicable, and if that’s the case, which of them.

Democrats have been pushing for 4 witnesses — together with John R. Bolton, Mr. Trump’s former nationwide safety adviser, and Mick Mulvaney, the appearing White Home chief of employees — over the robust objections of Senator Mitch McConnell, the bulk chief. Some Republicans are floating the thought of a witness swap wherein they might name both former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. or his son Hunter, each of whom Mr. Trump wished Ukraine to research, despite the fact that neither has direct data of Mr. Trump’s conduct.

Democrats have opposed such a transfer, and Mr. Schiff recommended the chief justice ought to rule on that query.

“Now we have a really succesful justice sitting proper behind me who could make choices concerning the materiality of witnesses,” Mr. Schiff mentioned, including: “We belief the Supreme Courtroom justice.”

If historical past is any information, Chief Justice Roberts will probably be reluctant to take action. When President Invoice Clinton was tried within the Senate in 1999, Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist used his authority sparingly, leaving most inquiries to the Senate to determine.

Lawmakers on each side — together with Alan Dershowitz, a guide to Mr. Trump’s authorized group — took to the Sunday morning discuss present circuit to make the case for or towards Mr. Trump. The president was impeached by the House in December on costs that he abused his oath of workplace and obstructed Congress by pressuring the chief of Ukraine to research his political rivals after which masking it up by concealing proof from lawmakers.

Mr. Schiff and his group of prosecutors preserve that the president was making an attempt to affect the 2020 election for his private acquire. Throughout an abbreviated session of the Senate on Saturday, the president’s group pushed again laborious on that assertion, arguing that it was the Democrats who have been making an attempt to undo the outcomes of the 2016 election — and to intervene with the one in 2020.

“They’re asking you to tear up the entire ballots all throughout the nation by yourself initiative, take that call away from the American folks,” Pat A. Cipollone, the White Home counsel, mentioned of the Home managers, including: “They’re right here to perpetrate essentially the most large interference in an election in American historical past, and we will’t enable that to occur.”

Mr. Dershowitz, talking on “Fox Information Sunday,” backed away from an assertion he made in 1998, when Mr. Clinton was going through potential impeachment within the Home, {that a} crime is just not wanted to take away a president from workplace. Mr. Trump’s group has argued that he can’t be convicted or eliminated as a result of he’s not accused of violating a legislation — an argument Mr. Dershowitz mentioned he now agreed with as a result of he had performed extra analysis.

“I’ve been immersing myself in dusty outdated books, and I’ve concluded that no, it must be against the law,” Mr. Dershowitz mentioned. “That’s what students do, that’s what teachers do. We do extra analysis.”

Mr. Schiff has emerged as a polarizing figure in the trial. His speech on Thursday telling lawmakers they might “not belief this president to do what is true for this nation” went viral —…

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