The 2020 US Home elections

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The 2020 US Home elections

Home Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The Democrats are prone to preserve their majority within the US Home of Representatives within the 2020 elections.

Home Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The Democrats are prone to preserve their majority within the US Home of Representatives within the 2020 elections. | Sarah Silbiger/Getty Photographs

The Democrats are prone to retain their majority.

All 435 seats within the US Home of Representatives are on the road within the 2020 election.

The Democrats at the moment maintain a 232-197 majority, with one Libertarian and 5 open seats. They claimed that majority within the 2018 midterm elections, after the Republicans had held the chamber since 2010.

President Donald Trump predicted on the final presidential debate that the GOP would retake the Home this yr due to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the dearth of a brand new Covid-19 stimulus invoice. That’s unlikely to occur — FiveThirtyEight gave Republicans between a three and eight % probability of flipping the Home.

Nonetheless, there are attention-grabbing battlegrounds to look at across the nation. Jeff Van Drew was elected as a Democrat in New Jersey’s Second District in 2018. However in December 2019, after voting in opposition to each articles of impeachment in opposition to Trump, he switched his social gathering affiliation to Republican. This yr, Van Drew is up in opposition to Democrat Amy Kennedy, a former instructor.

Missouri’s Second District, in suburban St. Louis, is one other potential pickup alternative for Democrats. Republican Ann Wagner has held the seat since 2013 however this yr faces a troublesome problem from Jill Schupp, a present state senator. The Democratic Congressional Marketing campaign Committee named has this as a goal district, and most polls are extraordinarily shut.

The Second District in New Mexico might be a pickup for Republicans. The district serves the southern half of New Mexico, and in 2018, Democrat Xochitl Torres Small narrowly beat Republican Yvette Herrell to take the open seat. The 2 will rematch this yr, as Herrell is now difficult the incumbent Torres Small, and the race is predicted to be very tight.

The stakes of this election are excessive. Observe alongside beneath for Vox’s election protection, together with stay outcomes, breaking information updates, evaluation, and extra.