The search came as Trump is weighing another run for the presidency.

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The search came as Trump is weighing another run for the presidency.

The F.B.I.’s search of Mar-a-Lago came as former President Donald J. Trump weighs an increasingly likely third White House bid. He has considered maki

The F.B.I.’s search of Mar-a-Lago came as former President Donald J. Trump weighs an increasingly likely third White House bid. He has considered making an unusually early announcement this year, a move designed in part to shield himself from a stream of damaging revelations emerging from congressional and criminal investigations into his attempts to cling to power after losing the 2020 election.

But there have been increasing doubts about his viability as a candidate in 2024. A New York Times/Siena poll last month showed that while Mr. Trump maintained his primacy in the party, a significant number of Republicans said they would not support him in a rematch with President Biden. In that hypothetical matchup, Mr. Trump trailed President Biden, 41 percent to 44 percent.

During campaign rallies and speeches this year, Mr. Trump has continued to use the 2020 election as a political cudgel. He’s insisted that election fraud should be the top issue in the midterm elections, and that the investigations into his actions to undermine the results were merely a political hoax.

“The election was rigged and stolen and now our country is being systematically destroyed,” Mr. Trump said during a speech on Saturday at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Dallas.