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Trump Booed as He Pays Final Respects to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

WASHINGTON — President Trump was jeered by protesters on Thursday morning as he paid his respects to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, standing silently by her coffin on the prime of the Supreme Courtroom steps as a vigorous chant of “Vote him out!” erupted on the road under.

Sporting a face masks — uncommon for him — and a blue tie as a substitute of his trademark purple energy tie, Mr. Trump stared forward and closed his eyes at occasions close to the justice’s flag-draped coffin.

However the quiet of the second was punctured by the loud boos and shouts of demonstrators a few block away. Together with the mantra of “Vote him out!” had been calls of “Honor her want!” — a reference to Justice Ginsburg’s reported deathbed request that her substitute not be confirmed till a “new president is put in.”

It was not clear whether or not Mr. Trump and his spouse, Melania, who joined him for a go to of lower than two minutes, might hear the heckling, which was clearly audible on tv.

Requested later within the day by a reporter in regards to the jeering, Mr. Trump mentioned he might “hardly hear it.”

“Any person mentioned there was some chanting, however they had been proper subsequent to the media,” he mentioned. “However we actually might hardly hear an excessive amount of. We heard — we heard a sound, however it wasn’t very sturdy.”

Earlier, the White Home press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, condemned the jeering protesters.

“The chants had been appalling, however definitely to be anticipated if you’re within the coronary heart of the swamp,” she mentioned. “I believed it was an appalling and disrespectful factor to do, because the president honored Justice Ginsburg.”

Mr. Trump has angered many supporters of Justice Ginsburg by rapidly asserting that he would nominate a brand new conservative justice to switch her earlier than the election in November, and by questioning, with out proof, whether or not her “dying want” that one other president appoint her substitute was actual or concocted by prime Democrats.

The president, who doesn’t usually encounter hostile members of the general public at shut vary, was additionally booed and heckled throughout Recreation 5 of the World Collection final fall.

A number of of Mr. Trump’s predecessors have additionally been booed in public, together with President Invoice Clinton throughout a 1993 go to to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and President Ronald Reagan at a ballet efficiency on the Kennedy Middle.

Following Mr. Trump at Justice Ginsburg’s coffin on Thursday was his chief of employees, Mark Meadows, and nationwide safety adviser, Robert C. O’Brien. The 2 males additionally wore masks, they usually bowed their heads with their eyes closed. Justice Ginsburg, who died on Friday, lay in repose on the court docket on Wednesday and Thursday.

Kitty Bennett contributed analysis.

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