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Trump Goes on Offensive, Beginning With an Assault on Harris

WASHINGTON — President Trump unleashed a scorched-earth marketing campaign on Thursday in opposition to former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. hours earlier than Mr. Biden was to just accept the Democratic presidential nomination, predicting “mayhem” if his rival received the final election in November.

“At stake on this election is the survival of our nation, it’s true,” Mr. Trump instructed a small crowd in a Pennsylvania city not removed from the place Mr. Biden was born. “As a result of we’re coping with loopy folks on the opposite facet. They’ve gone completely stone-cold loopy.”

The president took intention at Senator Kamala Harris of California, the Democratic nominee for vp, in search of to stoke concern of immigrants by providing a brutal description of a case involving an undocumented immigrant who was included in a jobs program whereas Ms. Harris was the highest prosecutor in San Francisco.

“As district lawyer of San Francisco, Kamala put a drug-dealing unlawful alien right into a jobs program as an alternative of into jail,” Mr. Trump stated. “4 months later, the unlawful alien robbed a 29-year-old girl, mowed her down with an S.U.V., fracturing her cranium and ruining her life.”

It was a reference to the case of Alexander Izaguirre, an undocumented immigrant convicted of promoting cocaine in 2008. He was a participant in Again on Observe, an initiative spearheaded by Ms. Harris that positioned younger, first-time drug offenders who pleaded responsible to their crimes right into a jobs program reasonably than jail.

Mr. Trump’s assault on Ms. Harris was an echo of the Willie Horton episode throughout the 1988 presidential race between Vice President George Bush and Gov. Michael S. Dukakis of Massachusetts. Mr. Bush’s marketing campaign and its allies repeatedly invoked Mr. Horton — a Black prisoner in Massachusetts who, whereas launched on a furlough program, raped a white girl — to recommend Mr. Dukakis was tender on crime.

In July 2008, Mr. Izaguirre snatched a lady’s purse and jumped right into a automotive. When the girl jumped onto the automotive’s hood, the driving force slammed on the brakes and the girl was thrown to the sidewalk, The Los Angeles Instances reported in 2009.

When she discovered of the case, Ms. Harris stated that 12 months that Mr. Izaguirre’s inclusion in this system was a mistake, one which she had since fastened by requiring would-be contributors to supply “the whole lot from Social Safety playing cards to no matter it’s that they will produce” to point out that they’re in the US legally.

On the time, 113 offenders had efficiently accomplished this system, whereas 99 had failed and been despatched again into the courtroom system. Ms. Harris stated in 2009 that Mr. Izaguirre was one in all seven undocumented immigrants in this system, however was the one one who failed, based on The San Francisco Chronicle.

Because the president prepares for the Republican Nationwide Conference subsequent week, he has begun to disclose the core of his coming marketing campaign: a extremely private assault on Mr. Biden and his operating mate.

“These folks have gone insane and they’re radical left,” Mr. Trump stated, calling Mr. Biden “a puppet of the radical-left motion that seeks to destroy the American lifestyle.”

In Mr. Trump’s typically blatantly deceptive telling, Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris will destroy the nation by taking weapons away from Individuals, funding late-term abortions, encouraging “lethal ‘sanctuary cities’” and permitting low-income housing to “abolish suburbs.”

Searching for to undermine Mr. Biden’s attraction in rural, blue-collar components of Pennsylvania, the president lashed out at him, saying that Mr. Biden had “deserted” his hometown, Scranton, when his household moved when he was a younger boy.

Mr. Trump stated that Mr. Biden had been on the forefront of a “globalist assault on Pennsylvania voters,” citing the previous vp’s assist of commerce offers with Mexico, China, South Korea and “the horrible, ridiculous Paris local weather accords.”

“So far as I’m involved,” Mr. Trump asserted, “Joe Biden isn’t any buddy of Pennsylvania.”

In his remarks, the president additionally ascribed to Mr. Biden many positions that he doesn’t truly maintain or he mischaracterized Mr. Biden’s proposals.

Mr. Trump misleadingly claimed that Mr. Biden had “pledged to hike your taxes by $four trillion {dollars}.” Three-quarters of the proposed will increase can be levied on the wealthiest 1 p.c of the inhabitants.

The president falsely stated that Mr. Biden would “take away your weapons.” Mr. Biden’s proposed gun management measures embody a buyback program that will enable those that personal assault weapons and high-capacity magazines to both promote them to the federal government or register them.

Mr. Trump additionally falsely stated that Mr. Biden would “give free well being care to unlawful aliens.” Mr. Biden’s well being care plan would enable undocumented immigrants to purchase government-sponsored insurance coverage or non-public plans on government-run exchanges, however it could not be “free.”

The president misleadingly claimed that Mr. Biden would “shut down constitution colleges.” Mr. Biden has stated that he would finish voucher applications for personal, for-profit constitution colleges, however that he helps high-performing public constitution colleges.

And Mr. Trump misleadingly claimed that beneath Mr. Biden, “I assume 600,000, 670,000 lose their jobs.” That’s an estimate of the impact of a nationwide ban on fracking from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, however Mr. Biden has not stated he helps such a ban.

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