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Trump video message expresses solidarity with the Capitol mob

On Wednesday afternoon, as a mob of his supporters surrounded the US Capitol — and as Capitol police struggled to clear a number of the insurrectionists from contained in the Capitol itself — President Donald Trump tweeted out a video that was ostensibly a name for his supporters to “go house,” however that doubled down on his lies that the election was stolen.

Trump started the transient, one-minute video by expressing solidarity with the mob and repeating broadly debunked lies concerning the election that he misplaced in November — lies that fueled the riot within the first place.

“I do know your ache. I do know you’re damage,” Trump started. He then falsely claimed, “We had an election that was stolen from us.” Solely after mendacity concerning the election end result and falsely suggesting that he gained in a “landslide” did Trump inform his supporters, “You must go house now.”

He additionally instructed the rioters, “We love you, you’re very particular.”

None of Trump’s claims about election fraud is true. In actuality, Trump’s attorneys have repeatedly made their case that the election was “stolen” to a number of courts, and quite a few judges — together with a few of Trump’s personal appointees — have rejected these claims. Christopher Krebs, who led the Division of Homeland Safety’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Safety Company, stated that the November election was “probably the most safe in American historical past.” Even former Legal professional Basic Invoice Barr rejected Trump’s claims that there was widespread voter fraud in 2020.

Trump fired Krebs shortly after Krebs debunked the outgoing president’s false claims concerning the election; Barr resigned on December 23.

Shortly earlier than Trump posted the video, President-elect Joe Biden addressed the nation. In his speech, Biden urged Trump to “go on nationwide tv now to meet his oath and defend the Structure and demand an finish to this siege.”

Trump did half-heartedly urge his followers to go house, however the video solely amplified the lies that sparked the violence to start with.

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