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Trump’s State of the Union Speech Continues a Theme: Courting Black Voters

Throughout a speech peppered with theatrics — together with directing his spouse, Melania Trump, to award the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Rush Limbaugh, the conservative radio speak present host who has superior lung most cancers — Mr. Trump’s overtures to black voters weren’t delicate. His gestures earned him accolades from his administration members and Republican supporters gathered within the Home chamber, however others criticized Mr. Trump’s checklist-style method as pandering.

“This whole #SOTU is a micro-Focused marketing campaign speech,” Jason Johnson, a politics and journalism professor at Morgan State College, wrote on Twitter. “Handing out presents for poor black of us. Pitying single black moms to attraction to white girls within the burbs. That is in regards to the base and suppressing the black vote. Dems aren’t paying consideration.”

Derrick Johnson, the president of the Nationwide Affiliation for the Development of Coloured Folks, dismissed the proceedings as little greater than stagecraft.

“As we witness one more episode of political theater, take a second to verify your voter registration standing and encourage your family and friends to vote,” Mr. Johnson said on Twitter. “We’ve got the ability to alter course and elect officers who’re dedicated to defending our democracy.”

Throughout Mr. Trump’s speech, some, however not all, members of the Congressional Black Caucus stood and applauded as Mr. Trump rattled off his administration’s achievements. Earlier within the day, members of the Democratic group’s management stated they weren’t impressed with Mr. Trump’s overtures, together with the Tremendous Bowl commercial.

In latest days, the White Home and Trump marketing campaign allies have acted bullish on bringing black voters into the fold, together with a “$25,000 money giveaway” held by a nonprofit group run by certainly one of Mr. Trump’s most distinguished African-American supporters.

Regardless of skepticism that these ways will work to win over voters within the fall, Mr. Trump’s advisers, together with his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, have informed him that black voters will present their help if they’ll merely be educated on his insurance policies.

Sheryl Homosexual Stolberg contributed reporting.

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