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With Black Voters and a Suburban Surge, Joe Biden Took Texas

“I totally meant to vote for Pete, after which when he dropped out, I used to be like, OK, Klobuchar looks as if a good suggestion, however then she dropped out, so it helped that they each endorsed Biden,” stated Haley Walton, 26, as she went to forged an early-morning poll in a downtown Dallas courthouse. “That sort of made the choice simpler.”

Many citizens in Texas confronted terribly lengthy waits to forged their ballots. Individuals in Travis County, which is house to Austin, stood by for hours to vote; the 2 polling precincts on the College of Texas in Austin had waits of over two hours because the polls closed. In Harris County, house to Houston, it was even worse; waits of up to five hours were reported.

Although the distinction between Mr. Biden’s and Mr. Sanders’s delegate hauls is likely to be somewhat marginal, the loss in Texas was an enormous setback for Mr. Sanders, who outspent Mr. Biden practically 10-to-1 on adverts on tv and campaigned closely within the state. He spent the weekend of the Nevada caucuses crisscrossing Texas and holding rallies earlier than crowds properly into the 1000’s.

“Texas Democrats are usually pragmatic problem-solvers and never dogmatic ideologues,” stated Garry Mauro, a former Texas land commissioner who ran for governor in 1998 and who was the chairman of Hillary Clinton’s marketing campaign in Texas within the 2016 election.

Mr. Mauro added that Mr. Sanders had not finished sufficient to ease reasonable Democrats’ fears and broaden his attraction to voters like him.

“‘I wish to vote for anyone however Trump, however I can’t vote for Bernie’ — that’s a typical chorus that I hear from mates of mine,” stated Mr. Mauro, who voted for Mr. Biden. “Bernie wasted 4 years and by no means expanded his base.”

Within the Democratic bastion of Austin, the state’s capital, Mayor Steve Adler had initially endorsed Mr. Buttigieg, however he threw his help behind Mr. Biden after Mr. Buttigieg dropped out of the race.

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