Brazil agriculture minister calls Amazon soy moratorium “absurd”


Brazil agriculture minister calls Amazon soy moratorium “absurd”

SAO PAULO, Nov 13 (Reuters) - Brazil's Agriculture Minister Tereza Cristina Dias has criticized a 2

SAO PAULO, Nov 13 (Reuters)Brazil’s Agriculture Minister Tereza Cristina Dias has criticized a 2008 dedication from the nation’s grain merchants to not purchase oilseed from land cleared within the Amazon rainforest often called the soy moratorium.

Dias advised journalists on Tuesday the pact was “absurd” and argued that strict legal guidelines governing the place grains may be grown have been enough to guard the Amazon, whose preservation is taken into account necessary to manage emissions of greenhouse gases.

“The soy moratorium is a personal affair between personal events. I feel it’s absurd, we’ve got … means to indicate the place our soy is produced and if it may be produced there,” Dias mentioned in an interview in the southern state of Paraná.

Brazil’s forestry code is already strict about use of land within the area, she mentioned, permitting farmers to make use of as much as 20% of the land for agriculture.

Farming group Aprosoja Brasil is intensifying a lobbying effort to finish the moratorium and says that it has the assist of right-wing…