EXPLAINER–India’s multi-billion greenback meals programme is on the coronary heart of farmers’ protests


EXPLAINER–India’s multi-billion greenback meals programme is on the coronary heart of farmers’ protests

By Mayank Bhardwaj NEW DELHI, Dec 4 (Reuters) - Hundreds of

By Mayank Bhardwaj

NEW DELHI, Dec 4 (Reuters)Hundreds of Indian farmers angered by farm legal guidelines that they are saying threaten their livelihoods have intensified their protests by blocking highways and tenting out on the outskirts of the capital Delhi.

The federal government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and leaders of protesting farmers’ unions have held a number of rounds of talks however haven’t made any progress in breaking the impasse over the set of legal guidelines handed by parliament in September.

Though numerous farmer unions have supported the protest, the agitation is basically led by the growers of comparatively well-off states of Punjab and Haryana in India’s north.

Yearly the Indian authorities spends billions of {dollars} on shopping for tens of millions of tonnes of rice and wheat from Punjab and Haryana, and the world’s most costly meals procurement programme has now grow to be the centrepiece of India’s greatest farmers’ protest in years.


After calculating the price of cultivation, the state-run Fee for Agricultural Prices and Costs (CACP) pronounces Minimal Help Costs (MSPs) for greater than 22 commodities yearly to set a benchmark.

Though yearly the CACP pronounces MSPs for many crops, the Meals Company of India (FCI), the primary state-run grain procurement company, buys solely rice and wheat at these costs as a result of an absence of storage and funds.

After shopping for rice and wheat from farmers at MSPs, the FCI sells the staples at extremely subsidised costs to the poor. The federal government compensates the FCI for its losses.


Assured costs provided by the FCI encourage farmers to provide giant portions of rice and wheat. Increased manufacturing places stress on the FCI to purchase further provides from farmers, leading to overflowing state warehouses and a ballooning subsidy invoice that always pushes up the finances deficit.

Regardless of sitting on huge mounds of rice and wheat, the FCI finds it difficult to export because the annual rise in MSPs and its personal storage prices make FCI’s rice and wheat costlier than world costs, making abroad gross sales uneconomic.

On occasion, the Indian authorities offers small portions of rice and wheat to different international locations by diplomatic offers. Nonetheless, FCI’s warehouses are chock-a-block.


The security internet paradoxically covers comparatively well-off farmers from the northern states of Punjab and Haryana, forcing their poorer counterparts from Bihar and different underdeveloped states to promote at a reduction.

Yearly, farmers from Punjab and Haryana promote nearly their whole produce to the FCI at MSPs because of well-developed market yards and environment friendly procurement centres, a far cry from Bihar’s underdeveloped grain procurement infrastructure.

Additionally, in contrast to poor farmers from Bihar, the wealthy and politically influential farming group of Punjab and Haryana ensures that the FCI continues to purchase giant volumes of rice and wheat from their states, the place agriculture is a mainstay.

Whereas Punjab and Haryana promote nearly their whole rice and wheat output to FCI, the federal government company’s procurement in Bihar has remained at lower than 2% of the state’s whole manufacturing.

Omitted of the security internet, most farmers from Bihar are compelled to promote at a reduction of 25% to 35%.

Already disadvantaged of assured returns, farmers from Bihar haven’t explicitly opposed the brand new legal guidelines which growers from Punjab and Haryana worry will finally pave the way in which for the FCI to cease shopping for their grain at assured costs, leaving them on the mercy of personal patrons.

INSIGHT-Intermediary issues: Behind Indian protests in opposition to Modi farm reforms

EXPLAINER-Why many Indian farmers and politicians oppose Modi’s farm legal guidelines

(Reporting by Mayank Bhardwaj, enhancing by Louise Heavens)

(([email protected]; +91-11-4954 8030; Twitter: @MayankBhardwaj9; Reuters Messaging: [email protected]))

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