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Trump EPA finalizes 2020 biofuel rule, corn foyer objects

By Stephanie Kelly

NEW YORK, Dec 19 (Reuters)The Trump administration finalized U.S. biofuel mixing necessities for 2020 on Thursday, leaving a key a part of the rule unchanged from an earlier proposal that the corn foyer had criticized as insufficient to assist struggling farmers.

The transfer is destined to anger biofuel business officers and corn-state senators who had pushed exhausting for modifications till the 11th hour, doubtlessly threatening President Donald Trump’s help amongst farmers forward of subsequent yr’s election.

Below the U.S. Renewable Gasoline Commonplace (RFS), the Environmental Safety Company is charged with setting biofuel mixing necessities for the refining business to assist farmers by boosting demand for corn- and soybean-based fuels, whereas lowering U.S. dependence on oil.

The finalized rule will increase the amount for mixing necessities to 20.09 billion gallons in 2020, up from 19.92 billion gallons in 2019. The mandate included 15 billion gallons of typical biofuels like ethanol, unchanged from 2019.

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