Trump hails ‘money’ to farmers, U.S. assist in China commerce battle


Trump hails ‘money’ to farmers, U.S. assist in China commerce battle

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WASHINGTON, Nov 17 (Reuters)U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday welcomed a “money” payout to American farmers earlier than the Thanksgiving Day vacation that he attributed to China tariffs, however that cash truly is a part of a U.S. authorities assist bundle.

“Our nice Farmers will recieve (sic) one other main spherical of ‘money,’ compliments of China Tariffs, previous to Thanksgiving,” he wrote on Twitter.

“The smaller farms and farmers might be huge beneficiaries. Within the meantime, and as you’ll have observed, China is beginning to purchase huge once more. Japan deal DONE. Take pleasure in!”

The U.S. Division of Agriculture stated on Friday it can start making a second spherical of 2019 commerce assist funds to U.S. farmers subsequent week.

The funds are the second a part of a three-tranche $16 billion assist bundle introduced in Could to compensate farmers for the U.S.-China commerce battle. China imposed tariffs on key U.S. agriculture exports together with soybeans and…