U.S. says near finalizing components of U.S.-China commerce deal -CNBC


U.S. says near finalizing components of U.S.-China commerce deal -CNBC

WASHINGTON, Oct 25 (Reuters) - The USA and China are closing to finalizing some sections of a comme

WASHINGTON, Oct 25 (Reuters)The USA and China are closing to finalizing some sections of a commerce settlement after a cellphone name between high negotiators, CNBC reported on Friday, citing an announcement from the Workplace of the U.S. Commerce Consultant.

“They made headway on particular points and the 2 sides are near finalizing some sections of the settlement,” the assertion cited by CNBC mentioned. “Discussions will go on constantly on the deputy stage, and the principals may have one other name within the close to future.”

(Reporting by Tim Ahmann; enhancing by Susan Heavey)

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