USDA attache sees Brazil 2021/22 soybean crop at 143.5 million tonnes


USDA attache sees Brazil 2021/22 soybean crop at 143.5 million tonnes

July 2 (Reuters)Following are chosen highlights from a report issued by the U.S. Division of Agriculture’s Overseas Agricultural Service put up in Brasilia:

“For 2021/22, Submit forecasts soybean planted space at 40.three million hectares (ha), and manufacturing at 143.5 million metric tons (MMT), based mostly on a yield of three.56 mt per ha (hectare). Submit revised up 2020/21 planted space estimate by 300,000 ha to 38.eight million ha, and the manufacturing estimate by three MMT, to a record-setting 137 MMT. Regardless of a lot handwringing over the delayed planting because of drought after which delayed harvest because of an excessive amount of rain, Brazilian farmers collected their largest soybean harvest but. Soybean exports within the 2021/22 are forecast at 94 MMT, shattering this season’s anticipated file shipments of 87 MMT. Submit forecasts 47.7 MMT of soybeans destined for processing within the 2021/22 MY, a rise of simply over 2% on the 2020/21 estimate of 46.5 MMT. Soybean crush was lowered for the present season, owing to the slack in home demand for soybean oil.”

To learn the total report, click on:

(Reporting by Julie Ingwersen)

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