Tag: 039an

Tory leadership race: Liz Truss vows to make UK 'an aspiration nation'

Tory leadership race: Liz Truss vows to make UK 'an aspiration nation'

The foreign secretary launches her leadership campaign as Tory MPs vote in round two of the contest. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Falklands War remains 'an open wound' in Argentina, says ambassador

Falklands War remains 'an open wound' in Argentina, says ambassador

The conflict is a "deeply emotional issue" for politicians and the public at home, the diplomat says. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Starmer: PM's virus inaction 'an act of gross negligence'

Starmer: PM's virus inaction 'an act of gross negligence'

The Labour chief says Boris Johnson has been "caught behind the curve" and "provided confusion not readability." www.bbc.co.uk [...]
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