Tag: 168M

A Curve Founder’s $168M Stash Is Under Stress, Creating a Risk for DeFi as a Whole

A Curve Founder’s $168M Stash Is Under Stress, Creating a Risk for DeFi as a Whole

Curve CEO Michael Egorov pledged 34% of CRV’s total market cap to back loans across DeFi protocols. A forced liquidation would result in selling at a [...]
Australian Securities Exchange Cancels Blockchain-Based Clearing System at $168M Cost

Australian Securities Exchange Cancels Blockchain-Based Clearing System at $168M Cost

The Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) has cancelled its much-delayed blockchain replacement to its aged Clearing House Electronic Subregister Syste [...]
Ethereum Basic Attacker Efficiently Double-Spends $1.68M in Second Assault: Report

Ethereum Basic Attacker Efficiently Double-Spends $1.68M in Second Assault: Report

The attacker tried to double-spend roughly $3.Three million in the course of the second assault. www.coindesk.com [...]
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