Tag: 26K

1 2 3 451 / 51 POSTS
Ethereum hits $2.6K all-time excessive as Bitcoin market dominance falls under 50%

Ethereum hits $2.6K all-time excessive as Bitcoin market dominance falls under 50%

Ether (ETH), the most important altcoin by market cap, hit new all-time highs on April 22 regardless of a bearish part sweeping by way of Bitcoin ( [...]
Market Wrap: Bitcoin All the way down to $26Okay however Merchants Stay Bullish

Market Wrap: Bitcoin All the way down to $26Okay however Merchants Stay Bullish

Few appear to be bothered by bitcoin’s volatility on Tuesday, because the No. 1 cryptocurrency by market capitalization declined to the $26,000 sta [...]
Bitcoin Tops $26Okay for First Time, Much less Than a Day After Passing 25Okay

Bitcoin Tops $26Okay for First Time, Much less Than a Day After Passing 25Okay

Posted by: Bitcoin Information Editor in Bitcoin Information Wire 1 min in the past The worth of bitcoin (BTC) handed $26,000, hardly resti [...]
Bitcoin Tops $26Okay for First Time, Much less Than a Day After Passing 25Okay

Bitcoin Tops $26Okay for First Time, Much less Than a Day After Passing 25Okay

The main cryptocurrency set one other all-time excessive this month. www.coindesk.com [...]
As Bitcoin nears $26Okay, BTC might break $40Okay within the subsequent impulse wave, says dealer

As Bitcoin nears $26Okay, BTC might break $40Okay within the subsequent impulse wave, says dealer

The worth of Bitcoin (BTC) has reached a brand new all-time excessive of $25,945 on Binance on Dec. 26 merely a day after it achieved its earlier f [...]
Bitcoin Worth ‘Golden Cross’ Hints at 170% Rally to $26Ok by Halving

Bitcoin Worth ‘Golden Cross’ Hints at 170% Rally to $26Ok by Halving

Bitcoin (BTC) can hit $26,000 in simply two months due to a bullish occasion that beforehand triggered 170% value positive aspects.As famous by Co [...]
1 2 3 451 / 51 POSTS