Tag: adopts

1 3 4 564 / 64 POSTS
World’s Largest Human Assets Agency Adopts Sensible Contracts Platform

World’s Largest Human Assets Agency Adopts Sensible Contracts Platform

Human sources agency Ranstad, which not too long ago grew to become global leader within the sector, has chosen to additional automate its workflo [...]
Italian Vineyard Adopts Interactive Screw-Caps With Blockchain Verification

Italian Vineyard Adopts Interactive Screw-Caps With Blockchain Verification

Piedmont vineyard, Vigneti Massa, is launching the 2018 classic of its wines with near-field communication (NFC) and blockchain-enabled caps. As r [...]
Senate adopts trial guidelines after bitter debate over proof.

Senate adopts trial guidelines after bitter debate over proof.

Senate adopts trial guidelines after bitter debate over proof.Underneath the foundations, orchestrated by Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the [...]
1 3 4 564 / 64 POSTS