Tag: Allowance

Tories announce ‘Triple Lock Plus’ pension allowance

Tories announce ‘Triple Lock Plus’ pension allowance

The Conservatives have promised to raise the tax-free pension allowance via a "Triple Lock Plus" if they win the general election.Under the plans, the [...]
Unpaid carers being forced to repay £250m to DWP in allowance overpayments

Unpaid carers being forced to repay £250m to DWP in allowance overpayments

Unpaid carers must repay more than £250 million after many were unknowingly overpaid their allowance, new figures show.The government is seeking to re [...]
Budget to boost lifetime allowance for pension savings

Budget to boost lifetime allowance for pension savings

Increasing the allowance in Wednesday's Budget means workers could avoid paying more on their pension. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Easy steps to safeguard your pockets from limitless ERC-20 allowance dangers

Easy steps to safeguard your pockets from limitless ERC-20 allowance dangers

Taking part within the decentralized finance house typically necessitates the necessity to grant tasks sure permissions to spend tokens from one’s [...]
Hacker Steals Balancer’s COMP Allowance in Second Assault Inside 24 Hours

Hacker Steals Balancer’s COMP Allowance in Second Assault Inside 24 Hours

We just lately reported that the Balancer DeFit protocol suffered a $500,000 assault. Lower than 24 hours later, a second assault claimed about $2, [...]
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