Tag: aUSD

Acala Network to resume operations after burning 2.7B in aUSD stablecoin

Acala Network to resume operations after burning 2.7B in aUSD stablecoin

After the mining failure involving its stablecoin aUSD, the Acala Network announced on Monday that it had resumed its operations following a referendu [...]
Acala community votes to burn 2.97 billion of erroneously minted aUSD stablecoin

Acala community votes to burn 2.97 billion of erroneously minted aUSD stablecoin

According to a new post by Acala Network co-founder Bette Chen, the community has voted to burn 2.97 billion worth of Acala USD (aUSD) stablecoin.Acal [...]
Another depeg — Acala trace report reveals 3B aUSD erroneously minted

Another depeg — Acala trace report reveals 3B aUSD erroneously minted

High-profile security incidents continue to be a theme in 2022 as the Acala Network joined a long list of stricken platforms to fall prey to exploits. [...]
Acala Stablecoins Nears $1 Peg After Community Burns 1.2B aUSD Minted by Exploiters

Acala Stablecoins Nears $1 Peg After Community Burns 1.2B aUSD Minted by Exploiters

Acala’s native stablecoin, aUSD, came close to regaining its peg to the U.S. dollar after the Polkadot-based decentralized finance (DeFi) platform bur [...]
Polkadot parachains spike after the launch of a $250M aUSD stablecoin fund

Polkadot parachains spike after the launch of a $250M aUSD stablecoin fund

Crypto prices have been exploring new lows for weeks and currently it's unclear what it will take to reverse the trend. Despite the downtrend, cryptoc [...]
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