Tag: ballot

1 2 3 13 15 / 185 POSTS
R.F.K. Jr. Will Be on the Ballot in Florida, His Campaign Says

R.F.K. Jr. Will Be on the Ballot in Florida, His Campaign Says

The minor but storied Reform Party, which is backing Robert F. Kennedy Jr., had its ballot access restored, a significant boon for the independent can [...]
Ohio Legislature Passes Bill Ensuring Biden’s Spot on the Ballot

Ohio Legislature Passes Bill Ensuring Biden’s Spot on the Ballot

The bill, which Gov. Mike DeWine, a Republican, is expected to sign this weekend, appeared to end the possibility that President Biden would not be on [...]
To Ensure Biden Is on Ohio Ballot, Governor Calls Special Legislative Session

To Ensure Biden Is on Ohio Ballot, Governor Calls Special Legislative Session

The General Assembly had adjourned earlier this week without a solution for a procedural issue that threatened to keep President Biden off the fall ba [...]
Ohio Elections Official Says He Will Soon Exclude Biden From the Ballot

Ohio Elections Official Says He Will Soon Exclude Biden From the Ballot

The Biden campaign insists the issue will be resolved. Frank LaRose, the Republican secretary of state in Ohio, said he would bar the president over w [...]
Effort to Keep Biden on the Ballot in Ohio Stalls Out Ahead of Deadline

Effort to Keep Biden on the Ballot in Ohio Stalls Out Ahead of Deadline

Ohio’s Republican secretary of state said the Legislature had until Thursday to fix a procedural issue with President Biden’s nomination. www.nytimes [...]
Are R.F.K. Jr. Signature Gatherers Misleading New Yorkers for Ballot Access?

Are R.F.K. Jr. Signature Gatherers Misleading New Yorkers for Ballot Access?

More than half a dozen New York City residents described encounters with people seeking their signature who did not make clear that their aim was to p [...]
Candidates for Federal Office Can Raise Unlimited Funds for Ballot Measures

Candidates for Federal Office Can Raise Unlimited Funds for Ballot Measures

A decision by the Federal Election Commission would allow the Biden and Trump campaigns to raise money for outside groups pushing ballot measures. ww [...]
R.F.K. Jr.’s Campaign Says He Will Be on California Ballot

R.F.K. Jr.’s Campaign Says He Will Be on California Ballot

The state is the fourth where Mr. Kennedy is all but assured a spot on the ballot in November against President Biden and former President Donald J. T [...]
Surprise Tactics and Legal Threats: Inside R.F.K. Jr.’s Ballot Access Fight

Surprise Tactics and Legal Threats: Inside R.F.K. Jr.’s Ballot Access Fight

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s effort to get on the ballot in 50 states has already cost millions, federal campaign finance records show. www.nytimes.com [...]
How R.F.K. Jr. Got on the Michigan Ballot, With Only Two Votes

How R.F.K. Jr. Got on the Michigan Ballot, With Only Two Votes

The independent candidate persuaded a tiny party to give him its line on the ballot in a key 2024 battleground state, sparing him a costly, arduous or [...]
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Will Be on the Ballot in Michigan

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Will Be on the Ballot in Michigan

The Natural Law Party, which has ballot access in Michigan, nominated Mr. Kennedy. President Biden’s campaign is worried that he could tip the electio [...]
Amy Coney Barrett’s Opinion in Trump Ballot Case Sends a Distinct Message

Amy Coney Barrett’s Opinion in Trump Ballot Case Sends a Distinct Message

The justice distanced herself from the majority, saying it had gone too far, and from the three liberals, saying their tone sent the wrong message. w [...]
Trump Ballot Eligibility Ruling Elicits Mixed Reactions Ahead of Super Tuesday

Trump Ballot Eligibility Ruling Elicits Mixed Reactions Ahead of Super Tuesday

Challenges to Donald J. Trump’s candidacy hardened political dividing lines and angered Republicans. www.nytimes.com [...]
Supreme Court Rules Trump Stays on Colorado Ballot

Supreme Court Rules Trump Stays on Colorado Ballot

The justices ruled that the 14th Amendment did not allow Colorado to bar the former president from the state’s primary ballot for engaging in insurrec [...]
1 2 3 13 15 / 185 POSTS