Tag: Beckett

Margaret Beckett: First female foreign secretary to retire as MP

Margaret Beckett: First female foreign secretary to retire as MP

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer hailed the 79-year-old Derby South MP as a "trailblazer". www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Howard Beckett drops out of Unite management contest

Howard Beckett drops out of Unite management contest

The union's assistant common secretary backs fellow left-winger within the race to succeed Len McCluskey. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Howard Beckett: Labour suspends union official after Patel tweet

Howard Beckett: Labour suspends union official after Patel tweet

Howard Beckett had apologised for posting that House Secretary Priti Patel "ought to be deported". www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Labour MP Margaret Beckett apologises over 'foolish cow' comment

Labour MP Margaret Beckett apologises over 'foolish cow' comment

The veteran MP says she didn't realise her mic was on however had apologised to colleague Laura Pidcock. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
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