Tag: Bereaved

1 2 15 / 26 POSTS
Covid inquiry: Bereaved families say fight for justice has just begun

Covid inquiry: Bereaved families say fight for justice has just begun

Catriona Myles' father, Gerry McLarnon, died in Hospital with Covid in 2020.She told BBC Radio Foyle's North West Today that watching the inquiry brou [...]
Bereaved parents win online harm battle

Bereaved parents win online harm battle

This change was opposed by the Bereaved Families for Online Safety, a campaign group which includes Lorin LaFave, whose 14-year-old son Breck Bednar w [...]
Parental leave bill for bereaved passes first stage in Commons

Parental leave bill for bereaved passes first stage in Commons

Currently parents doing a new job are not guaranteed immediate leave if their partner dies giving birth. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Bereaved parents’ anger at ‘broken’ online safety promise

Bereaved parents’ anger at ‘broken’ online safety promise

"These parents who battled for this, who were promised this, are still going to have Christmas without that child. They are not doing it for themselve [...]
MPs hear Brianna Ghey's bereaved classmates not receiving support

MPs hear Brianna Ghey's bereaved classmates not receiving support

MPs hear bureaucracy is delaying help for pupils at the Cheshire high school Brianna Ghey attended. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
‘They partied while we all suffered’ – Covid-19 bereaved relatives

‘They partied while we all suffered’ – Covid-19 bereaved relatives

Politicians "wheeled a suitcase down the road, full of booze... while we all suffered", a man who lost his father to Covid says.Larry Burn had been li [...]
Online Safety Bill: Bereaved parents win fight for information

Online Safety Bill: Bereaved parents win fight for information

In response, culture minister Lord Parkinson of Whitley Bay announced a "package of amendments" to ensure "coroners have access to the expertise and i [...]
Boris Johnson owes the nation an apology, say Covid bereaved

Boris Johnson owes the nation an apology, say Covid bereaved

Boris Johnson broke rules while we "said goodbye to loved ones over Zoom", say bereaved families. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Boris Johnson's Partygate defence offensive – bereaved mum

Boris Johnson's Partygate defence offensive – bereaved mum

Fred Bennett, 14, died during a 2020 lockdown and his mother again criticises the ex prime minister. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Bereaved parents' childcare petition to be debated by MPs

Bereaved parents' childcare petition to be debated by MPs

The family are calling on ministers not to increase the number of children nursery staff can look after. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Bereaved Warwickshire mother shares anger over Partygate report

Bereaved Warwickshire mother shares anger over Partygate report

Louise Bennett said her family was prevented from seeing her 14-year-old son Fred before his death. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Lockdown fines mean PM broke the law – Covid bereaved

Lockdown fines mean PM broke the law – Covid bereaved

A member of the Covid-19 Bereaved Families for Justice group has said the Prime Minister being fined over lockdown parties means he broke the law, and [...]
Don't forget families like us, Covid bereaved tell inquiry chief

Don't forget families like us, Covid bereaved tell inquiry chief

The head of the UK Covid inquiry, Baroness Hallett, is talking to people who lost loved ones in the pandemic. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Bereaved families 'appalled' at Sue Gray findings

Bereaved families 'appalled' at Sue Gray findings

The report into gatherings in Downing Street angers families who lost loved ones in the pandemic. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Covid bereaved families feel an ‘inconvenience’

Covid bereaved families feel an ‘inconvenience’

Politicians will move on from the Downing Street lockdown parties and want the families of those lost to Covid to move on, says Fran Hall. The campaig [...]
1 2 15 / 26 POSTS