Tag: bridge

1 4 5 6 7 8 16 90 / 232 POSTS
NFTs bridge music communities across genres and blockchain ecosystems

NFTs bridge music communities across genres and blockchain ecosystems

Nonfungible tokens (NFTs) are stepping into the next wave of Web3 with utility capabilities and community building at the forefront. A new collection [...]
Decentralized Storage Alliance seeks to bridge the Web3 gap through education and advocacy

Decentralized Storage Alliance seeks to bridge the Web3 gap through education and advocacy

Decentralized storage network Filecoin has partnered with Protocol Labs and other participants within the Web3 ecosystem to launch the Decentralized S [...]
Binance Oracle network to bridge Web3 and blockchains via smart contracts

Binance Oracle network to bridge Web3 and blockchains via smart contracts

Crypto exchange Binance announced the launch of a new data feed network — Binance Oracle — that allows blockchain smart contracts to connect with real [...]
Twitter user saves cross-chain bridge from potential exploit

Twitter user saves cross-chain bridge from potential exploit

A cross-chain bridge between BitBTC and the Ethereum layer-2 network Optimism has been able to avoid a potentially costly exploit thanks to the work o [...]
Bridge Security Is ‘Unresolved Technical Challenge,’ Chainalysis Research Director Says

Bridge Security Is ‘Unresolved Technical Challenge,’ Chainalysis Research Director Says

Chainalysis director of research Kimberly Grauer joined “First Mover” to discuss what the rising string of crypto hacks could mean for investors and w [...]
Parallel Markets Looks to Bridge Identity Verification Across Platforms

Parallel Markets Looks to Bridge Identity Verification Across Platforms

The company has two offerings. The first is “identity underwriting,” which validates the identity of a potential user by pulling key data about them f [...]
Putin calls bridge attack ‘terrorism’. How might he respond?

Putin calls bridge attack ‘terrorism’. How might he respond?

The war in Ukraine is going badly for Russia and got even worse on the weekend as a key bridge between Russia and Crimea was blown up by what looked l [...]
Web3 must bridge back into Web2 for real cash flows — Checkout.com VP

Web3 must bridge back into Web2 for real cash flows — Checkout.com VP

“The seamless payments infrastructure and user experience derived from Web2 will be the backbone of Web3’s s [...]
White hat finds huge vulnerability in ETH to Arbitrum bridge: Wen max bounty?

White hat finds huge vulnerability in ETH to Arbitrum bridge: Wen max bounty?

A self-described white hat hacker has uncovered a “multi-million dollar vulnerability” in the bridge linking Ethereum and Arbitrum Nitro and received [...]
Pete Buttigieg has a bridge to sell you. Just don’t ask if it’s linked to a campaign.

Pete Buttigieg has a bridge to sell you. Just don’t ask if it’s linked to a campaign.

Which is a big reason that Buttigieg was standing on that bridge in New Hampshire, flanked by Democratic incumbents Rep. Annie Kuster and Sen. Maggie [...]
Law enforcement recovers $30 million from Ronin Bridge hack with the help of Chainalysis

Law enforcement recovers $30 million from Ronin Bridge hack with the help of Chainalysis

On Thursday, blockchain forensics firm Chainalysis said that law enforcement had recovered $30 million in crypto stolen from the $625 million Ronin Br [...]
Metaverse Scammers Have a Bridge to Sell You. This Financial Regulator Is Fighting Back

Metaverse Scammers Have a Bridge to Sell You. This Financial Regulator Is Fighting Back

In order to stick it to the scammers, regulators must first identify them, Borg told CoinDesk. But doing so can be tough in the metaverse, where no-go [...]
Hacker tries to exploit bridge protocol, fails miserably: Finance Redefined

Hacker tries to exploit bridge protocol, fails miserably: Finance Redefined

Welcome to Finance Redefined, your weekly dose of essential decentralized finance (DeFi) insights — a newsletter crafted to bring you significant deve [...]
Hacker tries to exploit bridge protocol, fails miserably

Hacker tries to exploit bridge protocol, fails miserably

Cross-chain bridges have increasingly become targeted by malicious entities. However, not all hackers can run away with millions in their exploit atte [...]
Hackers Lose 5 Ether While Trying to Attack Near Protocol’s Rainbow Bridge

Hackers Lose 5 Ether While Trying to Attack Near Protocol’s Rainbow Bridge

This was possible because of how the Rainbow bridge works. As a wholly decentralized platform, Rainbow relies on several validators, called bridge rel [...]
1 4 5 6 7 8 16 90 / 232 POSTS